Synth Pop from Femny

The opening moments of this synth pop gem from Femny seem rather sedate, stripped down to the bare minimum of synth, vocals and drums. It grabs your ear, but it’s not until the chorus that you fully find yourself immersed in the sensational song. Singer Isaac Soto croons in dark tones, fitting the mood of deep house music. The band releases their Instant Star EP on January 27th, bringing dense pop music that encourages you to dance with yourself, or perhaps a slow jam with a friend as the day fades to night.

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Groovy Track from Femny

femnyI’m going to be playing this Femny track quite a bit today, and I’m hoping you do too. We’re winding down the year, and so posts are fading…just don’t ignore this. It reminds me of a less reverb-coated Julian Casablancas outing, only with heavier synths and brighter hooks. In the latter half, there’s even a distant shout coming in through the main vocal mix…and it really could be Casablancas himself. Don’t let similarities dissuade you; your’e going to have fun listening to this tune. Look for their Instant Star EP from Broken Circles on January 17th.

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