Scuzzy Tune from Dan Svizeny

dannI think the recording on this track is what’s got me hooked.  It’s really muddy, with Dan Svizeny‘s vocals buried way low in the mix, almost melting into the track as another instrument.  You can hear the sonic connection from label mates like Cloud Nothings and Best Coast, applying grittiness to traditional pop structures for the purpose of differentiation; even with the muddy quality, there’s still an evident bounce to the tune.  Grab yourself a copy of Dan’s new album, Whitecaps, now from Group Tightener.

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Challenging Electro From Hiro Kone

Hiro KoneThere are sooooo many directions from which this song by Hiro Kone called “Motion of Silence” comes at you. It is melodic, it is grating, it old and new all at once. It has a strange familiarity. Like you have heard it before, at least segments of it. The closest I can get is a modern interpretation of Meat Beat Manifesto’s “Psyche Out” from 99% (dat drum track) run through TRUST’s production settings and adding a female vocal. You think you know where the song is going, but it evolves with out straying.

Hiro Kone is one Nicky Mao, having been in a few different projects, she decided to takes matters into her own hands in 2012 and with help from former a Gang Gang Dance member, Tim Dewit, the latest Hiro Kone EP The Unmoved Mover was born (due 3/25 on Group Tightener). Hit play, give it a chance, especially to the break. I have fallen in love with this song.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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