Fresh Punk Rock from Throwing Up

Our good friend Kevin is legit.  Not only does he run What’s Your Rupture and Krazy Punx, but he always manages to send me these great tracks when I’m feeling like a sad bastard.  That’s not at all what he’s got on his plate when he releases a new 7″ titled Mother Knows Best by UK punks Throwing Up.  Immediately it’s brash and abrasive, banging away furiously at your ears.  All of a sudden, the vocals kick in, and you’re hooked on the female vocals, giving it a bit of jubilance along with lo-fi ferocity.  Turn it up and let it blast…then grab it from What’s Your Rupture on November 28th.


Download: Throwing Up – Mother Knows Best [MP3]

New Music from German Measles

Yesterday we brought you a little bit of punk rock from the up-and-coming label Krazy Punx, and we’ve got yet another exciting band from the label to hit you with.  This time up, we’ve got NY’s German Measles.  This single is definitely worthy of sing-a-long moments, not to mention the rest of their new LP, A German Joke is No Laughing Matter.  I’ve had a blast listening to this record all weekend, just bopping along, making sure I knew I could sing every word they’ve got, and I’m sure you’ll do the same once you get a hold of this track by the band.  Go ahead, give it a listen, press repeat, and sing along.


Download: German Measles – It’s Me Babe [MP3]

New Tunes from Silver Shampoo

There’s a sweet new label quietly kicking out some really solid jams this year, and we’ll be bringing you a bit of the tunes from the label this week.  For now, we’ll call the label Krazy Punx, and the first gem I’ve grabbed onto comes from Silver Shampoo, a product of Paul Museums.  The newest album is called Higher and Higher, and its sort of all over the place, but in the most wonderful sort of way.  You get a bit of garage, but then the next track you’ve got this catchy little bop pushing you along.  It’s just a whole lot of fun, and the kind of thing we can all dig as the weather gets sunny.  Try this out for size.


Download: Silver Shampoo – Streaks of Satan [MP3]

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