Last Week’s Jams (10.23 – 10.27)

We had a busy week here at ATH, prepping for the festival by throwing some Levitation interviews your way, but there was still tons of music to get out there. We ran some conversations with Video Age, Pachyman, Civic and Shannon and the Clams…plus, I got a Rock n’ Recipe in from the good folks at Lower Plenty. So, lots of words to read from other folks on their music. We also had fresh tunes all over the place from ATH favorites like the Umbrellas, Steven van Betten and Glimmer. Pretty busy week with tons to talk about, so be sure to browse through the site too…as there’s more than just sweet jams from last week!

Kvstles Share Shadows Single

Wanted to slink into Thursday with a little bit of reflective energy from LA’s Kvstles. It’s a home project that falls somewhere in the realm between Blank Dogs and Black Marble, albeit with a bit less pace. Bringing in deep-throated vocals builds the sadness in the lyrics, though that bright guitar line that dances in and out makes it difficult to not hear the sparkle of the melody. Something mellow and sweet to kick our day off here.

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