Slow Mover from SoftSpot

softWe’ve posted a few of the tracks from the forthcoming SoftSpot LP already, but I think that this is one of my favorite pieces the band has composed for the release.  This tune builds very very slowly, almost as if it was a piece on some soundtrack that was composed by Mogwai; the cymbals create this crashing wave that’s very understated.  Sarah Kinlaw joins, letting her voice rest atop of the carefully written music.  Then, just before the 4 minute mark, it all crashes together, forcefully, yet not overdone.  This is just the kind of work you can expect from the group when they release MASS on April 8th.



Another Jam from SoftSpot

softspotJust a few weeks ago we brought you “You/Yours” from SoftSpot, and I was really impressed with that song; here you’re getting another impressive performance from Sarah Kinlaw.  Her softness definitely allows this emotional space from which her bandmates can carefully weave their own magic, entrancing listeners. I still hear this ornate guitar styling that reminds of a Kinsella brother, and that’s definitely a good thing in my book. Their record MASS will be released on April 8th, so your enjoyment only need wait a little longer.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Single from SoftSpot

softspotUgh. I hate winter; I just want to wear shorts! But, with the winter weather comes a different approach to listening to music.  I’m always more inclined to wrap myself in a blanket and zone out whilst being washed over with really emotional music.  This new track from SoftSpot really fits into that world, with the voice of Sarah Kinlaw creating this natural warmth that definitely seeps into your skin. Her two bandmates, however, are crafting this tight-knit, low-energy, progressive indie rock…sort of like an Owls meets Pinback, but even softer.  The tune is the lead single on the bands forthcoming MASS album, which is out on April 8th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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