Crow Baby Drop Pity Party

I was seeking out something a little bit different to dive into our weekly coverage, which is where I came upon Crow Baby‘s latest single. There are certainly elements throughout this tune that feel akin to the current indie rock trends, offering up a melodic core that focus on the pop sensibility. But, what I was really drawn towards were the playful bits outside of that core, striking with sharp delivery that reminded me of Deerhoof long ago…adding a bit more artistry and excitement to the general approach. Need a little flare to your pop hits? You’ll enjoy indulging below.

Born Twins Share Pity Party Single

So this track from Born Twins has been bouncing about for a few weeks, and I’m just now getting on top of things. The duo have spent years crafting sounds in various projects, but united together, they’re building these crafty bits of bedroom pop that I’ve found quite captivating this week. There’s something in Singer Mayberry’s performance that feels like old Jenny Lewis, sort of that coy playfulness where you feel as if she’s taunting you atop a steady beat. A close ear will hear a rising guitar cut through to allow the song to swell into noisier territory, though it never over-indulges, bringing about the perfect pop balance. If you’re digging, the band will release Novelas Cortas on May 5th.

Noisy Number from SLAVVE

slavveWhen I saw that this tune from SLAVVE was created by a former member of Surfer Blood, I didn’t expect the minimalist bit of noise punk that came through my speakers.  Still, while it does bring forth a layer of distortion, there’s still that anthemic quality that made SB quite popular.  I like the gunshot drum bits that come in near the middle of the track; it adds a layer of fuck-all to the production.  The band have signed on to Bloodmoss Records (home of Future Death) to release their SLAVVE EP, which should find the band making quite a name for themselves with tunes just like this one.

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