Helpful People Share Title Track from Brokenblossom Threats

If I were to find faith in musical humanity, it has to be with people latching onto the latest from Helpful People, the duo of Carly Putnam and Glenn Donaldson. The track if fueled by this steady strum, almost muted in its notes, with little twinkles of keys or synths bubbling up from beneath to add some textural elements. Putnam’s voice is really special in this performance, never wavering from the solemnity that seems to drive each lyrical line. You can feel a bit of Glenn’s latest work slide in too, particularly in the middle of the tune where space opens up to this delighting musical excursion. Helpful People will release Brokeblossom Threats via Tall Texan on August 27th!


Alien Eyelid Announce Bronze Star

There are a lot of records that people will define as a purely Texan sound, but having been born and raised in these here parts, sometimes a tune just clicks with you, just feels wholly Texan. That said, Alien Eyelid aren’t aiming to be purely Texan I’m sure, though that bleeds through the band’s work in this new single. There’s a matter-of-fact delivery, which recalls any number of Texas songwriters, with something in the guitars feeling like they’re fueled by the slow-burning embers of a friendly campfire amongst friends; it’s a warm sound that feels familiar and ever-present. The band will release Bronze Star on May 5th via Tall Texan.

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