New Track from Cassettes Wont Listen

My roommate is super into Def Jux, the old hip-hop label, so when he ran at me with this track, I had a feeling I was just going to be polite, say it was good, and move on, but I can’t help it (or him for that matter).  This new song from former Def Jux producer, Jason Drake aka Cassettes Wont Listen, is pretty up my alley, especially when it comes to high energy electronica with hints of lo-fi bedroom pop. Cassettes Wont Listen have a new record titled KEVINSPACEY coming out June 21st on Daylight Curfew, and it’s a sample driven album, yet if you’re basing it off this song, it will be filled with killer melody too. Sample the samples.


Download: Cassettes Wont Listen – The Echoes [MP3]

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