The Gerbils Get Reissue Treatment

Amidst all the playlists and streaming platforms we often forget out history, our heroes. One such grouping, and one adored by so many, is Elephant 6. They’ve kept a low profile while we’ve all fawned over “premieres” and festival sets by DJs…but they’re making waves once again. They’ll be releasing some new music, but also going back and unleashing some old gems, like this Gerbils LP, Are You Sleepy. The band featured several members of Neutral Milk Hotel…but listening below and you’ll hear they had a sound all their own. Some of the guitars even feel like they’ve got that Flying Nun churning guitar sound, while the fuzzy pop sensibility offers up its own charms. This reissue will be out on August 9th, and you can order it HERE; it’s time we all go back to our heroes.

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