Soulful Tune from The Liminanas

TIM060.Liminanas.CostaBlanca.LPjktUsually I’m not one to get into music sung in another language (it’s hard to relate ok?), but on this new track from French outfit the Liminanas, the group offer just a hint of English to grab my attention.  Oh, and I should probably mention that the track’s pretty special on it’s own.  While it has this really sinister moving moment that dictates the majority of the track, it also offers up a psych rock solo in the middle to mix things up.  I appreciate the group offering up more than just your traditional fare of the left-field genre, so in the end it’s easy for me to back what they’re doing.  The band will offer up Costa Blanca on November 19th via Trouble in Mind Records; it’ll be a reward for those who choose to step out of line.

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New Tunes from The Liminanas

Watching a show the other night, I got this incredible idea (only incredible to me I’m sure) that all bands should bring artists from across the world on tour, exposing us all to new genres, styles, etc.  So, today I’ve been searching for something that would meet my fancy, and I came across the French group The Liminanas.  They use a bit of sampling, a lot of spoken word, and a lot of common psychedelia, all of which leads to some tunes that have been blasting on my playlist all day long.  You’d be wise to check out their new self-titled album, The Liminanas.  Welcome, world.


Download: The Liminanas – Mountain [MP3]

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