Trainfantome Share New Single

Woke up a bit bleary-eyed this morning, so sliding into this track from France’s Trainfantome was made really easy on my end. The song takes on a down-trodden tone from the get-go, almost like rubbing sleep from your eyes as you crawl out of bed. Once you’ve wiped away the sleep, you start to hear the deeper textures working beneath the song, with the mix doing wonders, as you can hear the distinctive elements that course through the song in both the front and the back. Those in search of that slow-burning headspace need only check out the tune below.

Raucous Jam from Waves of Fury

You send me something that references both the Stooges and STAX Records and I’m going to have to listen to it.  And surprise, I dig it.  This is the new single from Waves of Fury, a UK band set to release their album Thirst on October 30th via Alive Records.  Interestingly, it definitely has more of an American feel than a UK feel, though the lyrics do have a bit of a Brit-rock delivery.  I found it noisy, yet catchy, so you know those things are going to be present when you press play.  It doesn’t hurt that they appropriately incorporate a nice bit of horns too…maybe I need to run and bust out my STAX collection.  You enjoy this while I run and do that right quick.


Download:Waves of Fury – These Things I Leave You [MP3]

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