Reverb Laden Rock From Keep on Dancin’

539949_492165600796040_2128801404_nAs I was trolling through my emails the other day, I came across this intriguing new track called “Grey Ghost” coming our way from Brisbane indie group Keep on Dancin’.  It’s of course a reverb heavy rock tune in the same vein as psych bands like The Black Angels or I could even see them compared to other female fronted bands like My Gold Mask.  Either way, I think the track is pretty rad and definitely worth a few minutes of your time.

The Aussie’s have a new album called Hunter due out early next year.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Preview: The Kills @ Stubbs

Date Wednesday, Jan 25th
Location Stubbs
Doors 700 pm
Tickets $23 from Frontgate

One of the more enduring and endearing rock acts of the last several years is the Kills, having put out album after album of sludgy guitar rock with the always fierce Alison Mosshart fronting the group.  They’re loud, they’re bratty, and they, dare I say, always “kill” it live.  But, for me, the more intriguing opening act of Jeff the Brotherhood is what’s going to bring me to throw my dollars away.  Last year’s We Are the Champions filled my ears with hit after hit of sharp-edged jams and hooks galore.  And, they won’t be the only opener, as Hunter is set to kick the whole night off.  If you’re looking for an actual rock show featuring pure on rock n’ roll, then meet me at Stubbs on Wednesday night.


Download:Jeff the Brotherhood – Shredder [MP3]