Remember Ashtray Babyhead?

I went through 87 emails last night/this morning, and actually one of those rare days when I didn’t find a damn thing that I loved. Simultaneously, I’ve been working on a weird organization project going through old CDs…and I’m still on the As, which is where I was reminded of how much I loved Ashtray Babyhead (aside from the name). They were one of those late 90s emo/punk bands that just made you feel good to crank up and rock out, especially while skating around campus (akin to Ultimate Facebook). Looking at youtube, there are only about 10 songs, most of which come from the first LP. I found the first two tracks from Radio, which was my favorite, and since there weren’t other jams today, here’s Ashtray Babyhead.

Still Digging Beautiful Dudes

Not too long ago, I was all over the first single from Beautiful Dudes new record, Radio. It just reminded me of simple no frills rock n’ roll; I mean that in the best sense. There’s no pretense in what the group offers on their second single either; the natural bravado and swagger seem to come from the internal melodies of the song itself; it’s a windows down, hair in the wind rock affair you’ll soon have stuck in your head. Plus, they flex some guitar solo muscle here too, giving a nice little layer of energy crashing on the listener’s head. Radio is out on November 8th from Mama Bird Recording Co.

Pop Rock from Beautiful Dudes

I know I know…the name Beautiful Dudes is a bit braggadocios…and possibly not even true depending on your standards of tastes…but the song people, the song. It’s this huge heavy pop rocker that definitely recalls a blend of punk attitude with arena rock pretense. The first few times I heard it I couldn’t help but think that these guys would have been the perfect backing band on Joey Ramone’s solo effort. It feels energetic, though not overly forceful as some loud rockers go; it revolves around the central harmony, circling and blasting through your ears in the best way. They’ll be releasing their sophomore effort, Radio, on Mama Bird Recording Co on November 8th.

Little Pick Me Up from Cold Fronts

coldfrontsThere’s nothing wrong with a great pop song, and I can guarantee that this new track from Cold Fronts is probably one of the best pop tunes you’ll hear on this Friday. While Craig Almquist might appear like some scuzzy gutter-punk, his project seems fueled by exuberant hooks; there are certain parts of this song that I just can’t get out of my damn head…though I reckon there are worse things. His Forever Whatever LP is coming out in a few weeks (10/23) via Sire Records; he was picked up by Seymour Stein if that means anything to you suckers!

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Bouncy Jam from Nude Beach

One of the acts I’m really excited for everyone to catch onto this year is Nude Beach. Personally, I don’t think there’s really anything else out there like this at the moment, with a fusion of classic pop rock and lo-fi garage. Their new album II will come out on August 14th via Other Music Recording Co, which has made some great signings.  If you’re looking to get transported back into the past a little bit, but hold onto a hint of your hipster credibility, then you gotta fall in love with Nude Beach; you won’t be disappointed.



FT5: Pop Artists That Shouldn’t Be On the Airwaves

Our ears and minds are usually unwilling to listen to logic when it comes to pop music on the radio airwaves. Despite the combination of dim lyrics and catchy tracks that make it to Billboard’s Top 100, there are a handful of artists that do not deserve to be in the music industry. Pop music on the radio isn’t what it used to be. Being in radio for years, I occasionally unplug my iPod and check out local stations to see what’s going on. The following are current pop artists that shouldn’t be on the airwaves, which includes every track they’ve ever created.
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SXSW Radio Stream

So as you’re gearing up to head out to SXSW this year, you probably want to know about what’s hot or what’s cool.  We’d love to help you out, and we will, but now SXSW has set up a radio station where you can stream all the artists that are showcasing at this year’s event.  Keep a note pad handy, and start making that schedule for yourself.  The radio is HERE.