Stove Does a Great Pollard Impression

stoveI know it probably seems like an immediate diss, but I mean it as a compliment…who doesn’t want to have the songwriting kicks of Robert Pollard? It seems like that’s the direction that Stove, the new project from Steve Hartlett from Ovlov, is going with his new music. I’ll say that some of the guitar work has a heavier hand, but the overall power-pop appeal is definitely Pollard-esque. It’ll be interesting to see how much differentiation comes on the debut for the band, Is Stupider; it sees a release on November 11th via Exploding in Sound.

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Check Out This Grunge Rock Track From Stove

unnamedStove is the project of Stove Van Borden, or the imagined name of Steve Hartlett, who wrote and preformed the entirety of the upcoming album, which is called Is Stupider and promises a blend of vision from the gentleman, but a vision nonetheless. This track, “Jock Dreams,” gives us a slight taste of this vision, and its one that includes a great deal of grunge and hints of the slacker punk that we are most likely to meet in more detail come November 20th via Exploding in Sound. The guitars grumble through the heavy bass lines as the voice of Stove lightens the mix. Take a listen.

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