Good Grief Share the Pony Remark Video

Are you excited for the debut LP from Liverpool’s Good Grief? Well, I am, and their new video drops in some of noisier pop styles that fill up Shake Your Faith. Honestly, if you turn it up, you’d likely draw easy comparisons like Superchunk or the like, dropping in huge distorted walls of noise while still banging out some cleverly anthemic choruses! It just hits you immediately, then blows the walls down again and again, so its best if you punch this one up with some solid volume control. Be sure to keep your ears ready for the breakdown that leads into another riotous blast of pop hooks that close the song out. Shake Your Faith is out on March 18th via HHBTM/Everything Sucks.

Crunchy Rocker from Shy Mirrors

shymirrorsImagine yourself listening to Superchunk really loud. It’s so loud you’ve blown your speakers out, so the sound rattles, sounding a little grittier, a little dirtier than before. Well, that’s exactly what Shy Mirrors new single sounds like, at least to my ears. They just released this brand new little blaster, a tease for those excited about the band’s new work, which is slated for a release later on in 2016. It’s a track with power, yet one with just the slightest hint of catchy hooks, so clearly I can’t turn it off. Neither will you.

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Gladiola Gets It

gladAmong all this new-age emo stuff, there’s lots to enjoy, and lots to ignore…if the genre even hits close to home. But, I’m really enjoying Gladiola and what they’re bringing up here. They seem to encapsulate the genre’s tendency to stretch out the vocal a la Superchunk, then turning it into a calmly backed pop moment like the Get Up Kids. Still, the opening moments even recall some parts of Drive Like Jehu…reaching out for the scratchier moments of it all. Mix that all together and looks like the band’s new album, This Year’s Storm, will be a hit come it’s release in February.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Single from Tuff Shunshine

tuffThis brand new Tuff Sunshine track came into the ATH offices this morning, and it’s really hard to turn it off. It recalls that perfect era of indie rock, at least to me, during the late 90s and early 00s where Americana and punk rock all started to fuse (outside the emo realm).  It’s got this incredible groove that drives it, but there’s also this distinctive quality that makes it feel like the brother of Superchunk, just a bit warmer on the ears. The NYC trio will release Fire in the Hero Building on October 31st.


Download: Tuff Sunshine – Dreamin’ [MP3]

Premiere: Shy Mirrors Ready New LP

7076592515_9e13e8dfcd_oThe moment the discordant guitars blasted through my headphones on the new Shy Mirrors single, I was absolutely hooked.  It’s a sound that resonates with a great bit of my music collection, especially when Mike Downey’s vocals join the distorted track, similar to the voice of Mac of Superchunk.  I love the track’s gritty lo-fi style, bringing about a sort of indie rock crunchiness that puts you on edge, while endearing itself simultaneously.  You love great pop songs offered on a platter with a side of distortion and passion? Then you’ll definitely need to get your hands on Dodging the Column, which is available this week via Mirror Universe Tapes.

Show Preview: Superchunk @ Mohawk (2/6)


Date Thursday, February 6th
Location Mohawk
Doors 7:00 PM
Tickets $18 from Mohawk

When you talk about the legend that is Superchunk, you can’t just talk about the influence they’ve made musically, but also the influence they’ve had on modern indie rock music.  Mac and Laura founded Merge Records (one of our favorite labels) as a way to put out their own songs, and that of their peers.  It seems only fitting that these taste makers would team up with another up-and-coming act, Waxahatchee, to organize an incredible show for Austinites.  While the old school act has a bit of a pop-grunge sound, the young bucks are going to bring you a more noisy version of folk tunes.  Seems like the perfect way to spend a Thursday night.


Download: Superchunk – Digging for Something [MP3]

Superchunk Return in 2013

superchunk_bw_2010It’s a very rare thing when you wade through tons of emails enticing you towards the next big thing and happen upon the title “New Music From Superchunk“. We of course welcome such things, but clearly were shocked to receive the great news. Save 2010’s masterpiece Majesty Shredding, they stayed quiet for most of the 00s, after one of the most prolific stints during the 90s. I think we’re just excited to hear that the band won’t be going on another extended hiatus. New track “FOH” is the first breath of new material since 2010 and it certainly doesn’t disappoint as a chant worthy rock n roll number. We could all use some unabashed rock music right? Right.

New album I Hate Music will be available August 20th on Merge Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Alternative Jam from Bear Ceuse

Sometimes you just need to grow your hair out and revel in the industrious glory that was the 90s alternative rock scene; you know, before alternative became a bad word.  Bear Ceuse are a band eager to live in that nostalgic period, though with the revitalized careers of Superchunk and Dinosaur Jr, it’s not really a throwback at all.  The guitars have just the right amount of distortion, especially during the screaming guitar solo, and the vocals are calm and collected.  It’s the perfect way to introduce you to the group that will be putting out Don Domestique via Medical Records on February 26th of next year.


Download:Bear Ceuse – Entertain Me [MP3]

5 Bands To See @ Fun Fest: Friday

Fun Fun Fun Fest is here everybody!  As excited as we know everyone is, it’s important to have some sort of plan before you head out to the festival each day.  Before you head out, we thought we might give you some recommendations for the day just in case your head is about to explode when trying to decide who you should see.  We shall alleviate your pain with the top 5 bands you should make a point to see each day.  Now this is by no means a conclusive list and all festival goers should check the full lineup to accomodate their discerning taste.  In our mind, these are five bands that you don’t dare miss today!  Follow the jump for Friday recs.

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Show Preview: Superchunk @ Mohawk (11/1)

Date 11/1/12
Location Mohawk
Doors 7pm
Tickets FREE with FFFfest wristband

Well now this ladies and gentlemen is one hell of a show we’ve got going down in Austin on Thursday night at the Mohawk.  Our headliner for the evening is legendary band Superchunk on the outside stage. That alone should be enough for most of you, but let’s also mention that supporting outside bands are Imperial Teen and Joyce Manor so that should sweeten the deal.  Oh and you’ve also got some awesome up and coming bands playing the inside stage known as Terrible Feelings, Mind Spiders, Wiccans, and The Impalers.  I wish could say that’s all folks, but also remember that the entire show is FREE with your Fun Fest wristband.  Thanks you Mohawk and thank you Transmission.  You rule.


Download: Superchunk – Digging for Something [MP3]

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