Have Fun With Team Spirit

team-spirit-killing-time-flatWhen your Monday just got you down, why not introduce a little pop punk music into your life to brighten what could be a dreary Tuesday?  Brooklyn based band Team Spirit can provide the perfect music for this mood with their new track “Surrender”.  It’s a an easy to like track with it’s rockin’ power chords and fun vocals to boot.  I’m already enjoying the day twice as much as I was before.

Pick up new album, Killing Time, via Vice on September 30th.

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Cool Ghouls Ready New Album

coolI think when Cool Ghouls quietly released their self-titled record, it went largely unnoticed, but that was vastly due to oversight on everyone’s part…aside from me, of course.  I love that album, although I’ll admit I’m even more excited to see what the band comes up with for the collection of songs that make up A Swirling Fire Burning Through the Rye, their newest LP.  Our first listen has this slight twang in the guitar, adding a touch of folky swagger, while the rest of the tune is filled with this chilled out harmony.  Fall’s right around the corner, and I bet this fits right into it. Look for it on November 11th via Empty Cellar Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/164285593″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Stuck on Small Reactions

bigWhile the Walkmen have gone on hiatus, I needed something to fill that void, and in fact, I really needed someone to write a song like “The Ratt.”  Okay, so that’s not exactly what I get from Small Reactions, but I’m grateful for that, as who needs to listen to another band create another band’s song? However, this single below does share some sonic similarities, especially when you listen to the quickened pace, the ringing guitars and such.  The vocals do sound a bit more like Thom Yorke than Hamilton, but I can let that slide.  Look for the group to release Similar Phantoms via Bear Kids Recordings on October 28th.

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The Primitives Triumph with First New Song in 22 Years

primilWhat do you do when you haven’t written new music in 22 years? Well, if you’re the Primitives you knock it out of the fucking park.  The legendary band have completed their first album in over two decades, and if you’er wondering how good it can sound then just let yourself smile as you press play below.  It’s hard to see that the band has been absent, as they clearly fit right into the modern music world, which either indicates how influential they’ve truly been or how little we’ve really changed…or perhaps both.  I’m grinning ear to ear over here enjoy this song. Look for Spin-O-Rama on October 14th via Elefant Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/166307071″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Welcome Return from Cult of Youth

cultishYes, it’s a welcome return, in my eyes, for Cult of Youth, but don’t expect the band to sound precisely like you remember.  They always had a macabre sound, which perhaps resonated more from singer Sean Ragon’s voice, but this time around, they’ve delved completely into it, crafting this hypnotic tune.  It’s closer to a post-rock piece than the band’s folk work before, but perhaps that’s because Ragon has finally found the group he always dreamed he’d have, and there’s more of a full band feel to this song.  We’ll see which way the wind blows when Final Days is released on November 11th via Sacred Bones Records.

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Another Rocker from Useless Eaters

boygeorgeThe first time I caught Useless Eaters live, I was floored.  There was this rambunctious quality wrapped up in a poppy punk realm.  But, as time has progressed, Seth has tightened his ship and broadened his sound, leaving us this time with a sharp bit of rock that lurks in the dark.  Perhaps it’s the bass line here, working beneath the shredding guitar or maybe it’s that vocal delivery that seems to come from the narrator in your favorite B-movie.  Regardless, I’m always down to listen to what the group has to offer, which for now, is the brand new album, Bleeding Moon, which Castle Face Records will release on October 7th.

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Have A Nice Weekend

FALDFuck Art, Let’s Dance!

Candidates for best band name in recent years.

Little dance jam here for you to kick of your weekend. I was checking out a Maison Kitsune Trip Mode mix by Jerry Bouthier and this was the second track in, caught my ear, so here you go.

…and be sure to listen to that mix. Curated. Tasty.

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Pleased To Meet You: The Frowning Clouds

DIG FC2014 front coverDiscovery is the great thing about running this site; you stumble into things you didn’t even know existed then you’re so excitable you’ve got to share with the folks.  This week I’ve really been rocking to The Frowning Clouds, an Australian act I hadn’t heard as of yet.  They’ve got a bit of psychedelia in their tunes, but also this grittiness associated with garage rockers; it reminds me of the best moments of Mozes and the Firstborn.  They’ve got a new LP titled Legalize Everything coming your way next week via Rice is Nice, so if it’s your bag, grab at it!


Download: The Frowning Clouds – Move It [MP3]

Austin Spotlight: Espectrostatic Ready New LP

whorrorAlex Cuervo is probably best known around Austin for his work with Hex Dispensers, but the last year has seem him quietly making a name for himself under the Espectrostatic moniker.  It’s a largely instrumental project with a hint of horror aspect (not horror punk, mind you) built into both the sonic element as well as the titles of the songs.  And don’t forget the artwork; the artwork for his pieces are always visually stimulating.  He’s got a full LP titled Escape From Witchtropolis coming this fall via Trouble in Mind Records, and if you live in Austin or the world beyond, it should be on your radar.  The title track is alive below.

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