• Rock N’ Recipes: R.E. Seraphin

    As we continue our Rock n’ Recipes feature, we wanted to reach out to our old friend R.E. Seraphin, who has connections all the way to one of the earliest

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  • Rock n’ Recipes: Outer World

    Hopefully you took our suggestion last week when we encouraged you to give a listen to Who Does the Music Love, the debut LP from Outer World. Members of the

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  • ATH Top Songs – 2023

    Well, we did it folks. We made it through another year. Your ATH crew was busy as ever, posting well over 1,000 songs this year(!!!), sharing album reviews, and covering

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  • Top Albums for Nathan

    Honestly, I thought about foregoing a year-end list this year. I mean, if you read our site, you know what we love. But, list making can be fun, especially if

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  • Rock n’ Recipes: Lightheaded

    One of the more pleasant musical surprises, for me anyways, has been New Jersey’s Lightheaded. They just released the Good Good Great EP, a teaser of sorts for their forthcoming

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Bass Drum of Death Bring Us Another Hit

Bass Drum Of DeathBass Drum of Death has quickly become one of our favorite indie bands who know how to bring a little bit of rock n roll to their sound.  Today they are continuing that hot trend with this catchy new rocker called “Left For Dead”.  Once again we are treated to a poppy, garage rock themed tune that’s sure to be even better in the live setting.  Can’t get enough of this band.

Pick up the brand new BDOD LP entitled Rip This on October 7th via Innovative Leisure.

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Avi Buffalo’s Happy Return

aviI don’t know if it’s nostalgia, or if the return of Avi Buffalo is really winning me over.  Yesterday his latest single popped up, and  I just absolutely fell in love…making me what took so long for the songwriter to get it going again.  Something in the vocal reminds me of Jason Lytle, and I can hear a bit of that grandiose musical approach in the songwriting that was used by Lytle’s band Grandaddy.  If you’re not in love with this song, that’s fair, but we can’t be friend; I’m sorry. Look for At Best Cuckold to be in stores on September 9th, courtesy of Sub Pop.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/161682199″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Touch of Psych Rock from Black Lizard

artworks-000085882191-1emcxl-t500x500We had good things to say about Black Lizard‘s self-titled album from last year, so it’s good to see the band back with some brand new tunes.  The title of this tune is “Burning,” which fits perfectly, as the tune seems to be a slow moving psych version of “Satisfaction,” at least in some of the chord progressions.  There’s no real rush in the song, choosing to let the musicianship be the showcase here; the vocals are buried deep in the mix.  You’ll be able to grab the Burning EP from Soliti Music, and expect a full length to come from the group at the beginning of 2015.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/159762089″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Great New Track From Mumblr

downloadIt’s well known that we are in full support of local label Fleeting Youth Records and the great artists they continue to pick up.  Today we’ve got a new song for you called “Philadelphia” coming your way from Philly based rock group Mumblr.  I love that the song seems to be inspired by harder indie rock groups like Cursive with the emotional vocals and strong guitars.  Keep it up doods.

Mumblr’s new album, Full of Snakes, is due out September 16th.


Download: Mumblr – Philadelphia [MP3]

Show Preview: Miniature Tigers @ Stubbs Jr (8.6)


Date Wednesday, August 6th
Location Stubbs Jr
Doors 8:00 PM
Tickets $12 from Stubbs

After a really busy few weeks, the going of shows slows down a bit, but there’s a great pop rock show that should be on your radar…you know, if that’s your thing.  Miniature Tigers blow into town, filled with catchy tunes from their most recent release, Cruel Runnings.  Their tracks are all fun, all the time. But, be sure to pay special attention to openers, the Griswolds.  The Australian band is set to release their album, Be Impressive, and the title does great to serve notice to new fans.  Plus…it’s not every day bands from Australia get to make it over here…traveling gets expensive ya’ll. Another opener, Finish Ticket opens things up; I don’t know much about them other than they’re influenced by The Strokes and the Killers…so there’s that.


Download: Miniature Tigers – Gold Skulls [MP3]

Playful Pop from Andras & Oscar

cafeIt’s already been a pretty great week for Chapter Music, with some great coverage for the excellent Geoffrey O’ Connor album, Fan Fiction, but they’re back with a curveball for you…a good one.  The Australian label known for being on the front lines of exporting great tunes has traditionally brought guitar based tunes our way, yet today they announced the singing of Andras & Oscar, a a danceable duo.  The first single comes without much pretense, instead choosing to rely upon a solid vocal hook that’s got a great beat to stand behind it. You’ll be nodding and grooving for the rest of your day I swear.  Check out their Cafe Romantica album when it’s released by the label in October.

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Film Review – Land Ho!

landho!Rating: ★★½☆☆

Before I jump right into this review, it’s worth mentioning that this will be our very first film critique.  That’s right folks, ATH is getting into the movie review game.  I’ve always been a movie buff who enjoys talking shop with friends, so this seemed like a natural thing for me to undertake.  And of course a free screening or an advance copy will always warrant some type of posting here.  Which leads me to…..

Land Ho! – An American-Icelandic adventure comedy

Like I said, a free movie is a free movie, and I’m always grateful to those who think we are important enough to offer us their art for free.  Thanks goes out to Sony and Violet Crown Cinema.

As I start this review I am unsure of what to say about the film, because honestly, not a whole lot really happens.  Is that such a terrible thing in our day of Michael Bay explosions and former wrestlers dominating the weekly theatre numbers?  Not at all, Land Ho! just seemed to fall a little short at times as a movie that chooses to focus mostly on scenes of dialogue and social interaction.  The film certainly had some entertaining scenes between the two Grumpy Old Men style characters, but  sometimes the interactions just grew a little stale and drawn out.

We begin our film with senior citizens Collin and Mitch, the later of which refuses to go by his God given name Leslie because it “sounds like 606x340_270940a girl’s name”.  From the first few scenes, you can tell that Collin is the intellectual, more well spoken one of the two, who speaks with an Australian accent and seems to enjoy the finer things in life.  Mitch on the other hand is a crass, loud mouthed, fun loving good ‘ol boy from New Orleans who hasn’t seen a movie since Sleepless in Seattle and consistently refers to the female sex in the crudest way possible.  For a large part of the film, this is basically what you get; Collin attempts to have thoughtful, provocative conversations about art or music and the audience giggles as Mitch attempts to lighten the mood with inappropriate jokes and “a little doobification” as he calls it.

In the opening scenes we establish that the pair know each other by formerly being married to a set of sisters.  Mitch has been divorced for quite some time, while Collin’s wife passed away years ago only to see him remarry and divorce a short while after.  Both men are also currently retired from working as a doctor and french horn player/banker respectively.  Can you guess who did what?  So both men are a bit down on their luck, reminiscing on old times, and Mitch surprises Collin that he has purchased first class tickets to Iceland and he plans to cover the entire thing with his riches from working in the medical field for many years.  Why Iceland?  Why not.

cq5dam.web.420.270From here, the movie sort of turns into Grumpier Old Men (yes the second one) set in beautiful Iceland.  I of course enjoyed the wonderful scenery and smiled to myself seeing several major landmarks that I saw with my own eyes just a month ago.  At times though, the film almost seems like a shameless, tourist enticing travel video to boost the local economy.  Yes, Mitch offers some funny one liners, but it starts getting a little old after the creepy comments seem to never stop.  Collin even appears more and more irritated as the movie goes on when the pair have a mini verbal argument after Mitch leads them out into a pitch black night for an adventure only to get them lost.

Honestly, that’s about all you’re going to get here.  An Icelandic travel video with a retired man making dick jokes while his companion rolls his eyes.  Again, the movie can offer some laughs from time to time, but I felt like the characters needed more time to develop for us to truly care about their self discovery trip.  At one point, Mitch even begins to tell the story of his recent forced retirement with the “short-version”, as I’m desperately hoping for the full version so maybe we can find out what really makes this guy tick.  Not to be so, we get a 1 minute story and almost genuinely care about these guys, but rather we’re left with another reference to tight asses and Meg Ryan’s breasts.

Land-Ho-MovieThe credits roll as the pair stroll into the famous Blue Lagoon spa in Reykjavik and I swear you can almost hear Mitch whispering in Collin’s ear that they definitely have a chance to score with the Icelandic babes in the pool.  Movie over.

Final Verdict: The movie certainly has some genuine laughs and beautiful scenery, however it falls a little short with what could be interesting characters if given their due.  Think Road Trip with your dirty grandpa.

Land Ho! will be coming to Austin theaters on August 15th.

New Tune from Pretty & Nice

prettyPretty & Nice has been one of those bands that seemingly work beneath the radar, always releasing music that is worthy of mention, yet for some reason never gains much trains with the masses.  Despite that, they’re back again to ready a new EP, and we’ve got the new single to share with you today. This track’s got a fuzzed out bass line that begins the track, waiting for the high-pitched vocal to join in on the party; when they add hand-claps and tinkering electronic touches, the infectious quality they’ve always possessed resonates with the listener. Their Infinitely Forever EP will be available next week for your ears.

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Bouncy Indiepop from Parcel Post

parcelCloudberry Records has been fairly quiet as of late, which is understandable considering the difficult climate of running a boutique label.  But, as I was growing the site for an update, I ran across this gem of a tune from Parcel Post.  I wasn’t able to find too much information on the group themselves, but this tune’s pretty remarkable (I do know there’s some relation to Summer Cats and Fireflies).  It’s got the traditional indiepop jangle, but it also has some playful touches like the bells being hit in unison with the melody.  This is a single that’s coming via the label in conjunction with Kingfisher Bluez as part of a single series.  Sit back and feel good about yourself.


Download: Parcel Post – Centimetres [MP3]

Dark Mood from YOU

uIt’s easy to get caught up in the pulsing rhythm of the synthesized beats that drive this new single from YOU.  But, if you listen closely, you’ll hear a bit of light flowing from the chords in the guitar.  It works pretty well, balancing out the darker attitude that comes from the hollow sounding vocals, even as another pulsing beat jumps into the mix.  This track is the lead single to Sunchaser, the band’s third LP, and first for Dais Records.  The album will be out in just a few short weeks on August 26th.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/161001615″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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