Elegant and Quiet Folk From Chris Staples

531838_10151779890682857_391227629_nChris Staples has been crafting careful folksy tunes for quite some time now, but he has returned and is on his way to releasing another album.Golden Ageis his latest project and it’s set for release on August 19th on Barsuk Records, but for now, you can check out the latest single from that release, which is called “Park Bench.” When I first started to listen to the track, I was suddenly taken with the way that Staples’ winding lyrics perfectly compliment the simple composition of the track. As the song goes on, the song’s complexity grows, with lush string arrangements keeping the songwriter company and fully fleshing out the number. Simply put, it’s a perfect track for early mornings or quiet times in your day. So give it a spin and get lost for a moment.



[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/274604349″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More To Love From Hibou

11952714_10153224008717901_6029836011570928364_oI’m not one to let you miss out on a great synth pop track, and it seems like Hibou is doing nothing but giving you hit after hit of this kind. In July, the man behind the music, Peter Michel, got us with the infallibly lush, “Dissolve,” which certainly had me looking forward to the band’s self-titled upcoming LP. Now, we’ve got “Eleanor,” the track below, which goes in a slightly different direction, but a good one nonetheless. This song relies a bit more on the synths of the track to create the dreamscape, and they twinkle through the number quite airily. Vocally, Michel’s pipes resound as though another synth, distorted just enough to blend into the instrumentals at times and then push away at the precise moment. Yea, it’s a Spotify only track, but you can just get over yourself and take a listen. I bit the bullet and found it for you, so trust me when I tell you it’s worth it. Don’t forget, Hibou is out via Barsuk Records on September 18th.

I’m Gonna Give You Sick Dream Pop Songs Forever

11160558_10152930443137901_1224138747109527915_nChances are, if a track is dreamy enough, or even slightly on the dream pop spectrum, I’m going to share it with you. Today’s delightfully lush track comes from Seattle’s Hibou, whom we haven’t heard from since some tunes surfaced back in 2013. Hibou is the project of former Craft Spells drummer, Peter Michael, and he’s just announced that his debut self titled LP will be out September 18th. Take a listen to what’s apparently the opening track to this album below, and let the layers of sleek guitars, fuzzy drums, and drowning in reverb vocals wash over you in a dream pop, well, dream.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/207841296″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]



Yellow Ostrich Return

yellowIt’s been awhile since we’ve heard from Yellow Ostrich, but with this new single it’s clear to me that they’re coming back quite strong.  I love the guitar line that works its way through the track, knifing through the carefully constructed melody of the song.  It’s much more abrasive and forceful than I expected, while still supplying a certain level of the group’s sincerity from previous efforts. The band’s new record is titled Cosmos, which bares a nod to Carl Sagan; it’ll be released by Barsuk on February 24th.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/124034381″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Jam From Phantogram

I’m sure many of you heard this new jam from Phantogram over on that poop site P4K, but it’s too good to pass up so I’m posting it up anyway.  The song is called “Don’t Move” and will appear on a new album from the group entitled Nightlife due out November 1st on old school Barsuk Records.  I think it goes without saying that this new jam will be appearing on the set list for the next ATH DJ set.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Phantogram_-_Dont_Move.mp3]

Download: Phantogram – Dont Move [MP3]

Cymbals Eat Guitars – Lenses Aliens

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Hailing from New Jersey, Cymbals Eat Guitars are a four-person band with one album, Why Are They Mountains, under their belt already. Released in 2009, that album rewarded this band with comparisons to bands like Modest Mouse, and Pavement. On this new effort, they looked to work on it more collaboratively, and the effect of this is a band that sounds more controlled, and the instrumental parts feel tightly knit and well thought out on Lenses Alien.

The first song is “Rifle Eyesight (Proper Name),” which is an eight and a half minute long track, but it’s really just two songs pushed together with the help of some atmospheric guitar feedback noise in between the two. For roughly the first three minutes of this track, you have this lovely bouncy and jangly alternative rock song, complete with the harsh vocals of lead singer, Joseph D’Agostino, whose voice reminds me a bit of John Paul Pits, of Surfer Blood, due to its ability to turn ragged and grungy in an instant. You get a chance to see this switch to grungier on the second half of the first song, in which the guitars are fiercer, the cymbals crash more, and the pacing is faster. D’Agostino gets his chance to command the song with his vocals that are exasperated and rough at first. However, as the song calms down, so does the raspy nature in his voice, softening, if only for contrast as the song resurges to its final height.

After this monster of a song, it would be easy for the rest of the other tracks to pale in comparison, but each brings a lovely new element to the table. On “Shore Points,” you have a nice little surf rock jam, complete with angular guitars and enticing backing vocals from the other band members. Following immediately on “Keep Me Waiting,” there’s a killer bass line just bubbling under the surface, waiting for your ears to pick it out and move your body to it.

 While there are softer songs on here, like “Wavelengths” toward the end of the album, Lenses Alien does seem to fall a little one dimensional upon the inaugural listen. Perhaps there is too much of a good thing on this album; the heavy guitar and nasal vocals seems a little grating by the end of the ten song album. Maybe, with much repeated listening, there is more to this sophomore release, but as of now, it’s a pretty middle of the road album.

Free 3 Song EP from The Wooden Birds

As we here in Austin begin to grow more and more excited about the upcoming album from The Wooden Birds, it seems the rest of the world is also taking note.  The band’s new record, Two Matchsticks, will be coming to fans on June 7th via Barsuk, and today, the band released a free 3-song EP (for the price of an email), which you can find HERE.  And, once you do grab it, you’ll love the spin that Andrew Kenny and his band have done on the classic Hall and Oates tune, “Maneater.” The stripped down approach is precisely what one would expect from the group, as they love to give us quiet, harmonic offerings. So, while you’re anticipating Two Matchsticks, get yourself an early taste now, and a nice cover to boot.


Download: The Wooden Birds – Maneater (H&O Cover) [MP3]

New Tunes from Menomena

It’s been almost three years since we’ve heard any new material from Menomena.  They’re set to release their new album Mines on July 27th on Barsuk Records.  Based on this opening track it’s going to be another record of driving riffs and odd time changes, all built to please.  There is a sneaking suspicion that this record will make lots of year end lists, just as Friend or Foe, the group’s last project.   And on the mic, check it.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Menomena_-_Five_Little_Rooms-1.mp3]

 Download: Menomena – Five Little Rooms [MP3]

New Music From Maps & Atlases

I’ve recently really been enjoying this poppy new jam “Solid Ground” from fairly new band Maps & Atlases.  It’s a quick little pop song that’s showing some promise for these up and comers from Chicago.  The first release after signing to Barsuk Records, Perch Patchwork, will be dropping in stores June 29th.  Good times.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/MapsAtlases_SolidGround.mp3]

Download: Maps & Atlases – Solid Ground [MP3]

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