ATX Show Preview: The Paul Collins Beat @ Hotel Vegas (TONIGHT!!!)

paul-collins-beat-record-fair-650x800It’s Thursday, and we should rejoice that our weather here in Austin has been pretty phenomenal while others are burrowing beneath blankets of snow.  So, celebrate by heading out to Hotel Vegas tonight to catch The Paul Collins Beat.  Paul was one a member of power-poppers The Nerves, not to mention this new group The Beat (renamed due to some English band). But, I implore you to get there early as the opening acts feature some of my local (and regional) favorites.  I can’t tell you many more times how much you need to see Jonly Bonly, let alone buy their album, Put Together.  Then there’s the Ugly Beats, who consistently win fans all about town.  And, just before Paul takes the stage, you’ll be treated to The Rich Hands…they’re a San Antonio act who we’ve backed since they first walked through our doors.  This looks like one of those shows everyone will be talking about at the water cooler, so don’t miss out.

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Pop Rocking with Midnight Reruns

midnight rerunsToday’s my Friday. I’ll be off all weekend enjoying our little Fun Fun Fun Festival, so obviously I’m out to get my spirits up. One way I’ve been getting my spirits up lately is by jamming to “King of Pop” by Midnight Reruns. Unfortunately, this isn’t your ode to MJ, but rather Paul Collins, who won my heart over too with his work in The Nerves. You’ll probably benefit most by turning your speakers up way loud in order to get the most out of the sugary sweetness that’s inherent in this song. Their self-titled album is out next week on Good Land Records, so I figured it was best if you knew now.
