The Oilies Share Latest Tune

I’m not typically one to revel in the joys of demos and remixes and all that. But, I really really love the Oilies, and I really really really love this new track…even in a demo version. There’s something in its simplicity that’s supremely rewarding; it almost feels like the song is just on repeat for much of the track…careful ears will hear slight changes. Vocals subtly change the presentation, but if you’re like me, you might have been so entranced you didn’t notice on the first run though…so go back and listen to this all again. Honestly, I just want to hang out in a world where this track is on repeat forever.

Pop Tune from The Oilies

There are some labels who seem to release music on their own terms; you know, a release here and there. But, when something drops, you know it’s a must have, an absolute necessity…as is the case with Fruits & Flowers. They just shared news that they’re releasing the new EP from the Oilies, the songwriting outlet of Carly Putnam, who may or may not have played with the Mantles and Art Museums (among others). Our first listen surely charms; it’s two guitar lines dueling over synced drum beats while Putnam offers up her a soft vocal line. There are times when she’s almost whispering just beneath the mix, which just goes to show the care put into the song construction. Psychic Dog EP drops on April 5th.