FT5: Bands to See at FFF Fest

We here at ATH are getting really pumped about this weekend’s Fun Fun Fun Festival.  But, as we all know, it’s difficult to figure out who to see when there are so many bands playing.  You have time conflicts, you don’t know who some of the bands are and you wonder who will put on the best show?  Well, our Friday Top 5 is a compilation of bands that ATH is excited to see.  Hopefully this helps you make some decisions before you head out to the festival.  We’ve also got some MP3s you can stream for each band in the list, so fire up the ATH Radio and enjoy.


Nick Thorburn is a Unicorn. He is simply a pop genius, unable to sit still long enough without writing pop ditties or releasing an entire album. Pick your poison: Unicorns, Human Highway, Islands? All of them feature some of the most experimental pop music this side of the Atlantic Ocean. Not to mention, these guys are known for their antics, and we all love some good antics. No one is quite sure what will happen when this man takes to the stage, but we can all rest easy knowing that it will be nothing short of genius. Who knows? Maybe he will just come on stage and rap, a la Th’ Corn Gang.  Also check out “Creeper” and “The Arm” elsewhere on our site.


4. ALL

Most fans of classic pop-punk music will surely know some of the names of the members in ALL, if not all of them. ALL is made up of three fourths of the Descendents, and they maintain a similar style. A lot of the songs. The songs are upbeat and catchy, destined to spend time in your musical conscious. This is just another solid punk band with a stories past that is worthy of everyone’s time this weekend. Go out and join part of the history of the American punk canon.

3. Colourmusic

Those of you that follow ATH surely know how much we love this band. Those of you looking for the most spectacular stage show of the day will surely want to catch this group. Think of them as The Flaming Lips with a lot more hair on their chest. Their catchy tunes will have you singing along in no time; you’ll rock so hard you might have to leave after their done, because, trust me, their might not be anyone better. In all honesty, it’s really hard to describe the pop genius of this group–just know that if you love catchy tunes and driving bass lines, this is your show. Gather round guys and gals, you just might find your new favorite band.  You can hear “Put in a Little Gas” and “Winter Song” elswhere on our site.


2. The Revival Tour

This is sure to be either one of the best shows of the weekend, one of the strangest shows of the weekend, or a combination of both. These four gentlemen, Chuck Ragan (Hot Water Music) , Tim Barry (Avail), Ben Nichols (Lucero), Tom Gabel (Against Me), all have legitimate credentials in the punk rock lexicon of today; this weekend they will branch out their sound and go after the folkier side of things. Trust us on this one, these three hours will feature various trade-offs, various singers, guest appearances and hours (three apparently) of punk-infused folk music. Judging by the recent work of Chuck Ragan alone, this is sure to be an awesome moment for all the festival-goers.


1. Dead Milkmen

The Dead Milkmen is a hard pick considering they are going up against The National on Saturday night, but this is really where you need to be. Their combination of surf-punk meets lo-fi meets comedy is a sure-fire way to every listener’s heart. You’ve all probably included their timeless hit “Punk Rock Girl” on various mixes, and if you hadn’t, you should remedy that quickly. Don’t skip out on this one just because it is billed as one of those reunion shows. These boys, sans original bassist, deserve every ounce of your gratitude and respect, so make sure to make it over their. Think of it this way: you might never see the Dead Milkmen again, but The National will surely be back.


This is clearly just one web site’s opinion.  We studied the list, we checked it twice.  Hopefully this a clear guide as to the weekend’s must-see bands. If you think we’re wrong, or you want to share your thoughts on who you are excited to see, let us know.

Check out the Fun x 3 web site for more details.


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