Fresh Share My Redemption Arc

All sorts of great news as of late, and now lets add a new EP from Fresh to our reason to celebrate! The song’s got these huge stomping pop rock hooks, bouncing emphatically with the rhythm section, almost seemingly build for riotous performances in the live setting (just wait for that anthemic breakdown!). Kathryn Woods lets her voice soar above it all, penning lyrics about alienation and dealing with your problems, no matter where you find yourself out in the world. If you’re in the mood for joyous rock n’ roll with relatable subject matter, then give a listen below…and keep an eye on the outfit; they release The Summer I Got Good at Guitar on April 30th via Special Subject Records.

Ovaltine Announces Help Yourself with No Weekend Single

You might not have heard Evan Kallas and his Ovaltine project before, but I’m hoping to change that as we share news of the forthcoming Help Yourself LP. Listening through the album’s first big single, you’re going to get little breadcrumbs to Kallas’ songwriting process…I can hear little pieces of Pavement/Malkmus, as well as some of the math-y stylings of Pinback; the song has plenty of space too, allowing those pieces to sort of ebb and flow, ultimately colliding into one solid tune. I just appreciate the craft in the project, sort of like a tightly wound ball of yarn waiting for you to unravel it and find the pop gem hiding in its delicious center. Help Yourself is out on May 7th via Anything Bagel!

Just Jamming to Okute…Join Me?

Sure, I can talk your ear off about indiepop (and probably 2nd wave emo too), but this year I’ve really been diving back into a lot of Latin music. I’ve spent a lot of time in Latin America, and the musical element of each country is both unique and central, so been stoked to enjoy this Okute release coming your way. The band is a collective from Cuba, so it should make sense that their first single is titled “Quiere La Rumba,” since the rumba (or rhumba) is a very Cuban-specific style of dance. Of course, with a modern spin, you get a little bit of experimentation, with the band really highlighting their musicianship and willingness to explore the style in between moments of the more traditional feel. Plus, below you get that single and a short video on the album/style! Their debut album Okute! is out on June 4th via Chulo Records. Listening to stuff like this makes me think of how music is the lifeblood of some of these countries…so if that’s your vibe, join me.

A Place to Bury Strangers Announce Hologram EP

It’s been a couple of years since we’ve gotten fresh new music from A Place to Bury Strangers, but with the announcement of the Hologram EP, we welcome a new track from the band. It begins with some cymbal and snare work, burrowing into the background before the song erupts with squalling guitars; I keep thinking you can hear vocals from new drummer Sandra Fedowitz in there too, but then I go back and forth thinking I’ve been fooled by the group. Oliver Ackermann’s voice is this heavy haunt in the tracks front end, playing somewhere between J Spaceman and the Gallagher brothers (and I don’t mind that). Plus, you get the added bonus of a hypnotic video to accompany your listen! Hologram will be out July 16th via Dedstrange.

Unschooling Give Us More is More

If you’re missing Omni, or just really into Omni, you’ve got to get over here and listen to this new Unschooling EP, Random Acts of Total Control. Just take a listen to the opening tune “More is More” if you need convincing of how great the band is. They’ve got that same sort of frantic nature to their riffs, kind of angular and buoyant simultaneously. One thing I’ve really enjoyed about the French outfit is super apparent on this tune is how little they care for formulaic arty post-punk; they do dip far more than their toes into that proverbial water, but they also seek out the ability to destroy its patterns, exploding like a fireball, cutting through your headphones. The EP is out courtesy of Howlin Banana Records.

English Teacher Drop R&B Single

When you first press play on this English Teacher jam, you’re going to definitely here some likeness with recent pop acts like Dry Cleaning; the band employ the same sort of spoken word delivery coiled up in this anxiety ridden cavern of bobbing bass lines. Once you drop into that 1 minute mark, however, the song decides you’re in need of a good kick to the teeth; it rips through your speakers, shooting out distorted chords and rambunctious energy, like a train hurtling over a cliff…will we make it alive?! As calming as they being, the Leeds outfit are intent on destroying everything in their wake. Look for this tune as part of the Nice Swan Records Introduces Volume 1.

Baby Combat Share No Stranger Thing

I’ve really been enjoying the bobbing pop feels of Baby Combat and their latest single “No Stranger Thing,” an ode to the TV show. I’ll admit, that it moves in a bit slowly, almost as if the band are happy to sit back and let you come to them; it reminds me of Beulah at their very best, toying with us by luring us into their pop trappings. Here, Baby Combat erupts at the chorus with this really light-hearted pop twist that’s definitely undeniable, at least if you’re a sucker for all things pop. Plus, if you check the single version, it comes with a slew of remixes to see what other artists are thinking of the project.

Last Week in Music, Today

Everyone always be trying to wrap up the week with their “Week in Music,” but we’re a little lazier, plus we figured you wanted to slow start your Monday, so why not do it by checking out what we were jamming to last week. So, we’ve put all the singles, plus a few other things we were loving in the mix. That way, you can sit back and just enjoy a fun playlist…and if you weren’t in on it, jump back and see what we had to say. Or don’t. Either way, you can now start your day with this hip playlist. We kick it off with the latest from Los Esplifs, who drop their Estraik Back LP tomorrow for 4/20.

Hot Coppers Share Sunflower Seeds Single

You’ve likely heard Gareth Parton’s work before; he’s produced work by the Breeders, Foals, the Go Team and more. But, the pandemic gave Parton the time to fall back in love with songwriting, which benefits us all as he shares his debut single as Hot Coppers. I’m not sure what I’m more in love with, his velvety vocals or the way the song’s have been masterfully arranged. Give it a close listen and you’ll hear an array of sounds, all lifting the song’s melodic core to listeners waiting at the altars of pop music. This has that early Jeepster Records feel to it, if that’s your cup of tea. Look for the debut album later this year via Lost and Lonesome.

Colourmusic Announce Thank Goodness Hell Is Easy to Get Into

To be real honest, my friendship with Colourmusic members goes way way back, all the way into the late 90s, long before I ever considered dabbling in telling folks I cared about music. Through the years, they’ve added members, crafted brilliant noise, lost members, belted out sheer noise rock, and ultimately, refusing to succumb to the expectations of the indie rock cognoscenti. What I love about this new tune, coming with the album announcement, is that all their various influences and pasts seem to be colliding into one unique sound. The vocals have this cavernous feel, perfect for the sonic exploration that courses through the veins of the tune; you’ll hear this pulsating rhythm section bouncing and snapping to attention, but its buried beneath a wash of atmospherics. It’s great to know where they’ve been and to see the steps that led to this current recipe; they’ll release their new record Thank Goodness Hell is Easy to Get Into later this year!

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