More New Music from Radical Dads

One of the bands that really excited me in 2011 was Radical Dads, the Brooklyn group that released Mega Rama this year.  The group’s just put out their Skateboard Bulldog 7“, which features two new excellent songs.  We’ve already tossed up one, and we’ve got the second one to offer you today.  On this number you can hear the cacophonous indie pop just blasting straight at you from the minute the song starts.  For me, it exemplifies everything great about the band; they’re just out there kicking out good solid rock n’ roll in the name of fun.  There’s no tricks, no hidden agenda, just straight up indie pop…of the best sort of course. Pick up the 7” HERE.


Download: Radical Dads – Know It All [MP3]

More Great Pop from Azure Blue

Just recently we brought you a tune from Tobias Isaksson and his project Azure Blue, and we’ve got another wonderful track to share with you. This number comes from the band’s Rule of Thirds record, which you can purchase right now from Matinee Recordings (one of my favorites).  On the track below, there’s this old school New Order feel, at least in the organic construction of the song, but Isaksson’s vocals have a very different quality, almost airy or dreamy.  It alters the club-driven soundscape, but carries you into a far off place in your mind nonetheless.  Pick up the album at your local store now!


Download: Azure Blue – Little Confusions [MP3]

New Rocker from Terry Malts

If you checked out our Top Songs, you probably saw Terry Malts, and hopefully you were all over that jam.  But now, as the band promised when we caught up with them at 29th Street Ballroom, they’ve finally got their album, Killing Time, ready for release on Slumberland on February 21st.  This track’s a mix of the group’s former project, Magic Bullets, and their own fuzzy pop sensibility that they’ve portrayed in TM.  It’s definitely not as quick as “Something About You,” but in its brevity, it almost begs you to play it again, rather than lay it all on the line quick as can be. Still, it’s going to be awesome.


Download: Terry Malts – Tumble Down [MP3]

New Single from Guards

One of the bands that we really got behind this year was Guards, and they’ve just hooked up with the folks over at White Iris to release a brand spanking new 7″.  This new track is super rambunctious, and I absolutely adore the way the guitars stutter along before they burst into this breezy pop chorus.  Of course, the band then returns to the stuttering guitar lines before jumping completely back into the joyousness that epitomizes everything I enjoy about listening to this band.  You can get your hands on this 7″ now, so what are you waiting for?


Download: Guards – Do It Again [MP3]

Brand New Jam from Literature!

If you’ve been following this year, you’ve probably heard me hype up local Austin band, Literature.  Well, prepare yourself for a whole lot more, as the band’s about to release a phenomenal record for you all to enjoy.  The record is titled Arab Spring, and pretty much every song is an absolute gem.  The band’s been kind enough to let us pick our favorite jam, which, believe you me, has been a difficult task this weekend.  I chose, “Grifted,” as there’s a bit of elegant charm, and immeasurable catchiness to go along.  This song should definitely demonstrate why I’m so excited about this band! The record’s so solid that I’m sure someone will pick it up once the band self-releases the album here in the next few weeks, and if they don’t, fuck it, I’ll do it.


Download: Literature – Grifted [MP3]

Great New Song fromTiger Waves

If you checked out our Top Texas Albums List, you might have noticed a little known band, Tiger Waves.  In my opinion, the band deserves all sorts of adoration, and this new track should definitely prove to you that you basically need to spend your weekend getting your hands on their old works, falling in love, then enjoying this new track. Word on the streets is that 2012 should feature a new record from the Austin/Chicago based group.  In this new song, music sort of trickles in carefully, then the vocals harmoniously dance atop it all, creating this dreamy song that you won’t want to miss.  Do yourself a favor and spread the word; bands like this deserve all the love they can get.


Download: Tiger Waves – I Hope You Feel Alright [MP3]

New Track from Cold Showers

I’m really excited by this new track, or rather this alternate version, from Cold Showers.  It’s going to be released in early 2012 as a single from Art Fag Recordings, along with the original versioun, which is equally as awesome; we’ll keep you posted on the exact street date.  For now, get into this song:  It has a nice bounce to it from the beginning, which will live with the song throughout, but you’ll notice that coated vocal effect favored by Mike Sniper. There’s an odd haunting mood created by the vocals and the bass, but at the same time, there’s this counterbalancing brightness provided by the other instruments.  It’s dark, it’s catchy, and it’s just flat out good. You dig?


Download: Cold Showers – So I Can Grow (Alternate Version) [Mp3]

New Punk Jam from VIDEO

For me, 2011 has been an excellent reemergence (in my life, at least) of the punk rock. One of the most recent albums I’ve been spinning a lot lately has come from Denton’s VIDEO.  The band is comprised of members of Wax Museums and Bad Sports, bands I’ve already raved about.  They just released their album, Leather Leather, on Play Pinball! Records, and it’s nothing but a rocking adventure, harkening back to the grittier days of rock n’ roll.  On the track below, the song just builds and builds, exploding in the chorus in dramatic fashion, giving you an impression of a killer live show sure to come (12/28 in Austin). If you’re looking to get your blood boiling, then look no further than right here! And head to the record store to pick up your copy, as you can see that it’s got some unique packaging; I think it’s their to hide the fury inside.


Download: Video – Red Pills [MP3]

New Rocker from Black Twig

There’s not a hotter label in my mind right now than Soliti Music, and the killer label has been generous enough to share us this incredible new track from Black Twig.  The group will be releasing their album Paper Trees via the label on January 11th, and as of right now, this is one of my most anticipated records for 2012.  In this newest single you’ll find jagged guitars jangling, but it’s the vocal that really grips you; it’s calming, which juxtaposes the furiously beautiful noise that bounces through the rest of the song.  If you’ve heard anything better this week than this track, then give me a heads up, as I don’t think you will.


Download: Black Twig – Death Scene [MP3]

New(ish) Jam from You Won’t

As the musical year draws to a close, it’s getting kind of hard to find some solid tracks to toss your way, but I didn’t have to go too far once I visited the site of our old friends over at Old Flame Records.  They’ll be releasing the debut of You Won’t, titled Skeptic Goodbye, and it’s definitely something you’ll want on your 2012 radar.  This track has been floating around for a few weeks or so, and it’s going to be floating around in my head for the rest of the week I feel.  The gentle strum of the mandolin along with the accompanying percussive stop just makes its way into your soul, in only the best way possible.  Look out for these guys to make a big splash in 12′.


Download: You Won’t – Who Knew [MP3]

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