The Gotobeds Return with Masterclass

There’s a lot of really great music out there, but the world needs a band like the Gotobeds in the musical rotation, a reminder of our most basic rock instincts. They’ve mostly been silent since Debt Begins at 30 (nearly 5 years ago now), but upon their return, they don’t seem to have skipped a step, cranking out a brand of working class indie rock that feels fresh and vital every inch of the way. They get up and drive themselves into their job, banging out every last bit of sound from their guitars; the vocals are scratching at their limits, and the drums bang like a hammer…and yet, when the job’s done, they just shut off and head home. Now, just because the first instinct you feel is their aggression, don’t be tricked, as the underlying pop pieces are what make this band a necessity. They’ll release Masterclass on May 16th via 12XU Records.

Chimers Ready Through Today LP

As much as it might pain our friend Norman Wanklord, 12XU is putting out some of the best records of the year; they’ve already dropped Water Damage and Winged Wheel LPs, among a few compilations…and they’re not done yet, as they now have Chimers ready to rock. This tune’s all about immediacy, with thundering drums pounding through the speakers from the moment the guitars rip off, running discordantly. If you pulled back the vocals, you’d have this growling rock tune, dangerous in both vibe and energy. But, that’s just the point, there are vocals, and while they feel weighted, they have this cooled emotion, balancing out the primal nature and building in the faintest hint of pop sensibility. Through Today is out on November 8th.

New Stuff from 12XU: Water Damage + Love Child

It’s Bandcamp Friday, so I’m trying to hook you onto some cool stuff as much as I can today, like two new LPs that just popped up via Austin’s 12XU Label. The first is the sonic masterminds, Water Damage, who’ve just announced In E. Their perhaps one of the best live acts to capture in the Austin scene, building layer after layer and intoxicating listeners with this driving thunder that gets into your bones. This is the perfect place to lose yourself and then find your feet, again and again; it’s out on April 12th.

The label also announced a Love Child compilation, culling hits from 1988-1993. Honestly, it’s a band I hadn’t heard of, but now I have to have it! It’s the perfect bit of ramshackle pop music; there are elements of punk madness, but it’s all circled around well-executed pop structures. I keep thinking of a more rocking version of the Vaselines for some reason. Never Meant to Be is out on March 8th.

The Dead Space Return with Chlorine Sleep

The Dead Space were one of our favorite Austin acts with their album Faker, but then, they quietly walked away while the various members worked on other projects. Seven years later and the band are back with a vengeance, announcing Chlorine Sleep for 12XU Records. The track kicks in with this wavering squall of back and forth discord, guitars ripping through your speakers as the drums pound you into submission. Quin’s vocal howl is as punctuated as ever, at home in ear shattering element; this is definitely dropping in the band’s noisier side, so it’ll be interesting to hear if the full LP drops into any pop territory. Regardless, what a welcome return! The LP drops on May 7th.


Brand New Dark Blue Tune

It’s been a few years since Dark Blue dropped their last album Start of the World, and today they’re back with a brand new 7″ for 12XU Records. For nearly six minutes, the band sweep in with this huge wall of guitars crashing upon your ears, providing just a brief moment of respite near the 4.5 minute mark. It’s hard to classify the band, and while you could lump it into any number of post-whatever categories, there’s something freeing about their sound; they manage to sound huge while still seemingly playing from the back of your favorite club. The new 7″ will be released on February 23rd.

ATX 2016: The Christmas Gift Guide

austinchristmasAs year-end lists get more and more arbitrary, I decided I didn’t really want to play that game with our local Austin scene. Instead, I wanted to celebrate the excellent year Austin had, musically speaking, and encourage you to go grab copies of the things that suit your fancy. As it gets harder and harder for our musicians and labels to survive, lip service, sadly, just doesn’t cut it. So why not pick up something for all those you love…or just wish had better tastes!

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Show Preview: OMNI @ Hotel Vegas (8.12)

showYou’re all in luck this Friday…tons of shows going on around about town. One of the one’s I’ve got on my radar has OMNI on the bill, who released one of my favorite LPs this year, Deluxe. They’ve got a little bit of proto-punk, spun in their own fashion; I couldn’t find a bad song on the record. But, don’t just let that be reason alone to attend, as two opener’s will also be celebrating the release of their new LPs via 12XU Records: Manhunt and Meet Your Death. This is one of those shows where you show up early, get settled in, then walk out with a handful of great records and fond memories of good old rock n’ roll. See you there! Sample a few tracks below.

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Austin Spotlight: Flesh Lights Ready New LP

fleshlightsThe last time I jammed to Flesh Lights, I felt like the band was offering some gritty punk rock.  That grittiness is still apparent in the sounds they’re creating, but on their latest single it sounds like they’ve upped the power pop and hooks.  I’m not going to lie; I was floored by this single right off the bat; it’s got everything you need; you can jam it loud, you can rip off your own guitar solo and every lyric is clean enough to sing along to at the top of your lungs.  With songs like these in their repertoire, it only makes sense that the end of 2014 and beyond should belong to the group.  Look for their latest LP, Free Yourself, in stores on November 4th via 12XU Records.

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Austin Spotlight: Jonly Bonly Unleash New Single

jbIf you did what was right last week, you picked up the excellent Put Together LP from Austin’s Jonly Bonly.  The band, if you haven’t caught wind,  is the project of Jason Smith (formerly of OBN IIIs) and his buddy Stephen Svacina (Sweet Talk).  As always, Jason just kills the guitar licks on this tune; they’ve got an old school rock n’ roll feel while drawing some similarities to modern acts such as Parquet Courts.  This album’s filled with really sharp guitar playing, energy and a cock-sure attitude; you should head over to 12XU Records and pick it up now!

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