RVG Share Alexandra

A few years ago I claimed RVG the best band at SXSW; it was a year that acts like Shame, RBCF and Stella Donnelly really broke big…but for me, it was RVG. Romy Vager’s performances were nothing short of mesmerizing, fulfilling all my expectations having spent hours going through A Quality of Mercy. For me, that’s what I hear when I hear “Alexandra;” I hear the live performance, the passion in Vager’s voice. There’s this swelling in the song, a slight bit subdued, but I can picture the band unleashing that sonic blast in my face…and as my mind drifts I fall in love with this tune. This track is slated to appear on the group’s next album, and they’ve got a few N. American tour dates planned for June too (no Austin date, sadly).

New RVG Video for Eggshell World

Yep, I’m still super obsessed with RVG, as evidenced by my ventures to see them as frequently as possible during SXSW, not to mention my pre-fest fawning. This video from the band’s A Quality of Mercy album was one of the highlights from their live set, and is definitely one of the standout tunes on a pretty great LP. I think my favorite line from this track is “if there were two of me, well, one could be with you;” I’ll let you listen closely to make your own judgment. The video features Romy clad in silver, and even in the solitude of the video, you can feel the power that connects Romy to the audience. Dammit, I love this band.

SXSW Interview: RVG

You are probably aware already that I’m a huge fan of RVG. If you’re lucky enough to catch the Aussie act on their brief US jaunt, then you’re in for a treat. Their album A Quality of Mercy was a stunner, and to those who spent time with it, it sounds like everything pop music was meant to be. We caught up real briefly with the group to have them answer our little SXSW interview, which is below with their most recent video.

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Brand New RVG Video

We’re just a week and a bit from SXSW, and I’ve had RVG penciled in as one of the acts I absolutely cannot miss this year. I adored the band’s album A Quality of Mercy, and have been anxiously awaiting their arrival in the States. They’ve got hints of Go-Betweens sure, but I hear a slight Byrne affection in the vocal delivery on this track. The drums roll across the track, the guitar notes seem spritely and the lyrical content has a sinister playfulness that you can’t ignore. All of these things make the band something to keep an eye out for, so get hip to them now!

Give a Listen to RVG

Another day and another Aussie act giving us tunes that pervade our listening experience…this time it’s RVG (Romy Vager Group). Musically, you’ll hear similarities to a lot of the modern acts, as well as the endearing sounds of their forebears. I love Romy’s accent-inflected Lou Reed impression, delivering poetry in a matter of fact manner. There’s also this bright little moment right at the 2.02 minute mark where the guitar churns a little brighter, ringing out with this infectious melody. Their album A Quality of Mercy will be released on October 20th!

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