ACL Spotlight: Widowspeak

junipThe big bands get all the love, so I want to further piggyback on B.Gray’s earlier post from last week and encourage you to go check out Widowspeak.  I’ve loved their sets since I first caught them at SXSW a few years ago.  While their sound has changed slightly since their first release, you can always count on the band to release tunes that deserve the adulation they’ve received. This year started out with the release of their underrated Almanac album on Captured Tracks, and they’re already backing that up with another set of tunes on the Swamps EP.  They will be taking the stage in the earlier part of the day, but that’s all the more reason to show up to ACL early in order to catch some of the lesser-known joys of the music festival.  For me, the Beach House set a few years back was what solidified my undying love for that act, and I have the sneaking suspicion that this year’s band may well be Widowspeak.

The band takes the stage each Friday at 12:45 PM on the Samsung Galaxy Stage.  Enjoy a new song from the group that just got released below.



More New Widowspeak

We like Captured Tracks. We like Widowspeak.

“Thick as Theives” is the latest new track to hit the intarwebs. Haunting, sparse, pretty, the guitar string screech that lets you know they sound the way they sound. The album, Almanac, is out in a couple weeks, 1/22 to be exact. We look forward to it.

Stay tuned for an album review…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Another Sweet Gem from Widowspeak

As we get closer to the release date of the upcoming album from Widowspeak more tunes are slowly coming to light.  Musically, my first listen to this track made me think the band would be much more forceful, and sonically, I think I’m right.  But, Molly Hamilton’s voice still has that sultry hushed tone to it, even while an edgy guitar cuts in and out of the track.  I get the feeling that the group is really going to just throw their hands in the air and seek any direction they desire on Almanac.  You can get your hands on the record come January 22nd of the New Year.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Mellow New Tune from Widowspeak

When I first caught the live set from Widowspeak a few years ago at SXSW I immediately became a proponent of the group, so I’m glad news broke today of a new release comign from the group.  They’ll be putting out their second LP, Almanac, via Captured Tracks on January 22nd.  This first listen is fairly revealing about what we can expect, with the haziness of previous works a bit removed.  I’m interested to see how it all unfolds in the long-run.  Will it be too tame for my liking or yours? Only time will tell, but for now we’ve got this tune to enjoy.


Download: Widowspeak – Ballad of the Golden Hour [MP3]

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