A Beacon School Drop Alone Single

If you’re a sucker for that sort of post-new-wave meets dreamy pop, then you’re absolutely going to love this new track from A Beacon School. For two minutes, Patrick Smith casually delivers some of the finest dreamy pop you’re going to hear this year; the softness in his vocals keeps the knifing guitar lines and snappy beat at bay, letting the melody sprinkle its hooks all over the track. There’s even a nice little cascading bit of noise at the 2 minute mark, offering a brief bit of dissonant discourse in an otherwise spritely pop number. Yoyo is out on October 13th, and its shaping up quite nicely.

Murky Number from Dead Horse One

You know, I don’t think too many people talk about the scene over in France, aside from a few acts.  So when I got this heads-up on Dead Horse One, I was a bit intrigued, and then I was pleased.  The band has crafted a blend of early shoegaze with hint of psychedelia, creating a heavy sound that begs your attention today.  Earlier this year they released their Heavenly Choir of Jet Engines EP, and while it might be a short affair (4 tracks), it’s been really rewarding listening to the wash of guitars coated in this odd pop approach.  It’s clear that the French aren’t worried about pretense here, aiming to craft their own unique sound.


Download: Dead Horse One – Alone [MP3]


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