Show Preview: Night Drive Release Party @ Cheer Up TONIGHT!

Come dance with us.

Night Drive is finally able to unleash their self-titled full length out today. To commemorate, we are gathering at Cheer Up Charlies for a night music and fun. They wanted to invite friends that they love and make some new ones to join them on stage. If you show up, you get good friends Orthy, who have promised a bunch of new music, Keeper, Single Lash and Lambda.

That is a really nicely stacked lineup. Add to it, AmuricaTX will have their photobooth trailer to immortalize things and Captain Morgan is providing the drink specials if you dare.

I’ll be there taking the pics for ATH along with +1 and many friends and familiar faces. We’re thinking a burger and Salt and Time would be fun beforehand. It will be hot. Be ready. Dress sensibly. Comfortable shoes. Nathan loves when I bring up comfortable shoes. Tickets are $5 at the door.

To get psyched, have a listen…

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OMD Shows The Kids How To Do It

Synth pop, new wave, dance pop, whatever you want to call it, has its roots in the late 70’s and early 80’s with groups like Visage, Depeche Mode, Gary Numan and many more. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark was among those early pioneers with tracks like “Electricity”, “Messages” and “Enola Gay” setting a foundation for their pop stardom in a shift to a more mass-market approval and mid-80’s movie soundtrack domination. We recently saw OMD here in Austin and one thing is for sure, they still love those songs and they still love the genre.

The band is currently back to the core lineup and they are making new music. It seems they want to show all the kids how to do things. The first real release from the forthcoming record The Punishment Of Luxury, due 9/1 on White Noise Records, is called “IsoType” and it is wonderful reminder of the roots that is back to being contemporary. Put on your headphones to revel in stereo effects and dream of the heady days of Kraftwerk, Ultravox and The Human League…

Dreamy Perfection From Hazel English

…and it is a gem. I listened to it twice.

According to the intarwebs, this is a bonus track to a 2xEP purchase featuring previously released materials and some new things. Hazel English straddles a line between too much and not enough in every little bit of the song. You want the song to be longer, the hook to stick around, echoes linger and layers peel back, but without letting go to move on and open space for the synth flourishes and guitar sweeps and all that space between, you wouldn’t be nearly as hooked at one listen. Brilliant stuff.

Order the double EP here and those of you across the pond need to see if she is playing in your town.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Have A Nice Weekend

Jay-Z is playing ACL.

LCD Soundsystem has released two songs into the digital wild.

Resume your regularly scheduled programming.

Here is a the latest track from Beacon, realized I hadn’t shared it yet. According to a bookface post, it is a hint of what to expect from the new record pending on Ghostly. When artists are given the ultimate freedom of the digitally (or analog in the case of classic synths) crafted soundscape, I am disappointed how often that soundscape can be squandered or derivative. The creation of the tones and waves, how they transition and fall into the feeling of the track, maybe a half beat early or late, pitch-shifted or hot cut, will often decide whether or not I will spend two seconds or all day listening to a track. The foundation and eventual fall of the primary groove here, the transition between notes and octaves, the way it disapperas as the track progresses and leaves behind the refrain closing the song, but is still present in melody is why I spent more than two seconds listening.

…and what I say here stands for the bangers and the ambients, dance pop and deep house, you gotta do something with it.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Have A Nice Weekend

I was randomly talking to a coworker about the history of electronic music, bringing my days of chasing drum and bass imports at Technophilia and later Waterloo and Alien Records. Since you are a music fan, you should watch this mini-documentary on the Amen Break, a sample pulled by many hip hop and rap artists, but also the source of the core building blocks of the entire D&B genre and subsequent subsets still used heavily for all things beat related. What to listen to after that? LTJ Bukem; find the Earth Vol. 1 compilation. One of my personal faves as single artist/album is Spring Heel Jack‘s 68 Million Shades.

Goldie always hit the periphery of my collection; I always favored his pure tracks, non-collab/no vocal. Just so happens, he released one such track today. This is current yet classic, simultaneously soothing and abrasive, aggressive and focused. Leave a comment.

PYAITK: Geotic Is Back

I missed the first announcement about the new record from Geotic, the electronic/downtempo/looping project from Will Wiesenfeld, better known for Baths. Ghostly is home to the new LP called Abysma due end of March.

Previous material was more towards ambient, using loops of guitar taps and minimal synths with a drum machine to keep it all in motion, gorgeous stuff and an anchor of the soundtrack I use when I travel. The latest content is more polished, relying more heavily on synth and programming then pulling smaples and layering, but I love it none the less. It is an evolution, bordering on shimmy material.

I embedded the latest called “Nav”. If you dig, check out “Actually Smiling”.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

PYAITK: “Please” by Blanck Mass

“Please” is a slow burn single from the upcoming record by Blanck Mass. Undercurrents of aggression in silken tones…

Check this press blurb.

As humans, we are aware of our inner beast and should therefore be able to control it. We understand our hard-wired primal urges and why they exist in an evolutional sense. We understand the relationship between mind and body. Highly evolved and intelligent, we should be able to recognize these genetic hangovers and control them as a means to act positively and move forward as a compassionate species. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Recent global events have proven this. The human race is consuming itself.

World Eater, the new album by Benjamin John Powers Blanck Mass project, is a reaction to this. There is an underlying violence and anger throughout the record, even though some of these tracks are the closest Power has ever come to writing, in his words, actual love songs.

Preorder World Eater.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=3777583599 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=e99708 track=4278503451]

Have A Nice Weekend

Sup nerds.

I have a Have A Nice Weekend track for today from a group called Stereo Off. They are a collective under the guidance of Sebastian Marciano doing dance pop electro stuff that I can get behind. This track is called “Venir” and is a single from their self-released upcoming EP III.

Have you gone to see Louis CK?

Have you seen bands during Free Week?

What’s up with this weather, right?

Turn that Stereo Off #seewhatidid and go see some music.

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Teen Daze: Themes For Dying Earth

teendazeTeen Daze‘s All of Us, Together has been a go to record for when I need to decompress. It has beautiful textures and layers that let you get lost.

I have enjoyed his records since and his latest effort, Themes For Dying Earth is due February 10th on FLORA, his new record label. Teen Daze uses a short doc to introduce the record. In it, Jamison Isaak reviews the stress and anxiety of recording and performing and the realization that nature around him allows him to find balance. With that comes the reality that climate change could take that away. Shot and recorded by Casey Kowalchuk, you get some tour footage and scenery from in and out of the studio, but it is all about that soundtrack that acts as a preview for the record. Take a gander and a listen.

Have A Nice Weekend

dsc_0472I’ll have some pics up from a little night of shimmy soon, teaser posted. New Tres Oui tacks are so strong live.

ACL is nearly upon us. If you haven’t been reading your email, this year’s fest on the fifteenth Anniversary will bring some of the biggest changes in some time. There will no longer be a stage at the rock island. This will mean hte middle of hte park will be the traffic area and we won’t have the bottleneck on the north side getting from the Stratford side of the park to the biggest stage. No more porta-potties, flushable bliss. Kiddie Limits has an external entry now. Artist and media lounges are moved to where Kiddie area was. Check out all the 411 here, including the new map.

I am going to drop in a jam that had been exclusive elsewhere on the net. It is from Ishi, strong groove, new EP called Juno is available on the bandcamps.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1349551850 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=e99708 track=710128306]

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