Last Week’s Jams, Today (4.11 – 4.15)

Hello there Monday. We’re starting off with a bunch of jams this week that we gladly covered, though admittedly some were pretty obscure, which I’m totally cool with today. The most popular tunes we had out come from a couple of Tims, but we had new music from Ceremony and the Citradels. I was introduced to Guy Capecalatro III last week, and while we wait for his new album to stream, I included an older tune in hopes it finds you looking for new meaningful voices. Sit back, turn it on and let time pas you by.

Baby Combat Share Heaven is an Izakaya

We’ve been jamming to Portland’s Baby Combat quite a bit the last year or so, and this new single continues to illustrate the beauty of Noel Yeo’s songwriting. It opens with a bit of restaurant noise, perhaps an allusion to the song’s love of an izakaya (Japanese pub). Then sharp guitar lines start to ring in your ears, with a heavy bass groove bobbing in the ocean’s beneath the front of the mix. I love how Yeo hits some high notes, like in the area right after the 1 minute mark, keeping the song earnest and playful. In the end, one of the reason’s I adore Noel’s songwriting is that it very much hits the notes of fuzzy pop, but it never quite settles; the track’s always seem to take a turn here or there, offering a little wrinkle that allows things to continuously captivate listeners and sound fresh.

Baby Combat Share Tammy

I’m a super sucker for good old fashioned pop rock, particularly when its all dolled up in an indie rock disguise, like the latest track from New York’s Baby Combat. The guitar work floats purposefully between surf rock and jangling dream pop, which of course, leaves plenty of room for the vocals to star in the show. They get presented in this fashion that seems like they’re going to soar through your speakers and out into the world, only to hold back on the last syllable and have them drop so they can set up the next rise and fall. Totally dig it, so why don’t you try these hooks on for size!

Baby Combat Share No Stranger Thing

I’ve really been enjoying the bobbing pop feels of Baby Combat and their latest single “No Stranger Thing,” an ode to the TV show. I’ll admit, that it moves in a bit slowly, almost as if the band are happy to sit back and let you come to them; it reminds me of Beulah at their very best, toying with us by luring us into their pop trappings. Here, Baby Combat erupts at the chorus with this really light-hearted pop twist that’s definitely undeniable, at least if you’re a sucker for all things pop. Plus, if you check the single version, it comes with a slew of remixes to see what other artists are thinking of the project.

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