Nathan’s Favorite Oceanic Albums of 2017

For the 8 or so people who read this blog on the regular, you’ll likely be aware of my affection for all things Oceanic, primarily New Zealand and Australia. So, with year end lists in mind, I thought I’d offer up my personal takes on the best tunes to come out of the area in 2017. There’s no particular order, just my sixteen favorites of the year.

There’s even a fun little playlist at the bottom for you to enjoy!


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New Single from Bed Wettin Bad Boys

Not that long ago we brought you news of a new Bed Wettin’ Bad Boys album coming our way, and now we’ve got another jam from the album to share with you. For me, this is where indie rock should always go. The chords ring, with slight elements of distortion to keep the noise level up, but it all works in a unifying pop realm. You like noisy rock? You’ll win with this one. You want a swirling bit of pop as waves of feedback crash? You win again. Basically, we’re all winning when songs like this are unleashed into the world. Look for the group’s brand new album, Rot, to drop via What’s Your Rupture on November 10th.

Rock N’ Roll from Bed Wettin’ Bad Boys

The sounds from this new single released by Bed Wettin’ Bad Boys might sound fairly familiar, especially if you read this here site. The group is the new project of Joe from Royal Headache, and it rides along the same lines; it uses these great gritty guitar chords that ring through your speakers while the vocals are delivered in a very matter of fact manner…those fans of the Replacements will want to keep an eye on this for sure! The group will be releasing their new record, Rot, on What’s Your Rupture/RIP Society come November 10th. I give this jam an A plus.


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