Last Week’s Jams (5.6 – 5.10)

What a wild and crazy week that was. Tons of music, and tons of great albums. We suggested you listen to the latest LPs from Lunchbox, Amy O, Gregor and Stephen’s Shore, among others…so go back and revisit those records if you’re into full-length listens. But, if not, some of our favorite acts popped up after a bit of an absence; there was new stuff from both Quivers and Emma Russack, so the Aussie contingent was representing with new music. This My Best Unbeaten Brother track that opens up the playlist is a ripper, but don’t you dare skip beyond new Yea-Ming or Cats of Transnistria. Just a bunch of great jams for you to enjoy, so just get right to it!

Last Week’s Jams (4.29 – 5.3)

Well, I somehow managed to break the streak! This week we only have 23 songs to offer instead of the customary 28 per that last four weeks! Alas, I was sick, so were my kids, and a few of the tunes weren’t streaming. So, what did we cover? The good stuff. I was blown away and waxing nostalgic with the new Royal Headache announcement and accompanying single. It was good to see acts like Oh Boland, Neutrals and Stephen’s Shore give me my pop goodies. Plus, Austin powerhouses Urban Heat and Font were out there backing up hype with great new singles. Oh, and did you catch out great Rock n’ Recipe feature with R.E. Seraphin? Well, there’s still plenty to digest below, so enjoy yourselves!

Last Week’s Jams (4.22 – 4.26)

It’s been a strange few weeks if I’m looking at the numbers on our Last Week’s Jams; we’ve run 28 songs for the last three weeks, compiling a fun playlist that runs at 1.5 hours. Well, whatever, time’s on your side my friends. We were fortunate to premiere a couple of stellar tunes this week from the Ar-Kaics and Noelle and Deserters; one offers a crackling fire of psychedelia while the other is a bit more old school western vibes. And, there was the joyous return of Bad Moves! Of course, we also filled the pages with new stuff from Lightheaded, Laughing, Luma Fade, Lunchbox and the Laughing Chimes…you know, all the big Ls! Some Austin love as always via mentions of new records from Don’t Get Lemon and Hovvdy too. Sit back and get into Monday.

Last Week’s Jams (3.11 – 3.15)

For some reason or another, we were rather preoccupied with the Austin goings-on, so perhaps we didn’t cover as much as we might have liked. I’ll be circling back through this week to try and get as much of it up as I can. But, we did have some really solid jams…and a few premieres…or whatever you call it. I was definitely feeling a little electronically inclined, covering new stuff from Maria Chiara Argiro and Cong Josie. Got blown away by the new Lightheaded track, not to mention fawning over tunes from Kindsight and Mammoth Penguins. Oh, and speaking of premieres…we had a new Unwed Sailor and a live cut from The Wind-Ups. Check them below.

Last Week’s Jams (2.26 – 3.1)

As we ramp up towards SXSW, things have been in full swing over at the ATH camp. We ran a bunch of our “getting-to-know-you” interviews with the Ophelias, Jess Cornelius, Tigercub and Native Harrow. But, we also covered a shit-ton of new music that’s worth revisiting, if you’re up for it. Our old friends Blushing dropped a new tune from their next LP, plus we got to hear more from Dancer and Torrey in relation to their new releases. Long time ATH faves like Mo Troper and Rosie Tucker made an appearance too, with each having their own new records on the horizon. Plus, a bunch of other greats like Red Sleeping Beauty, Klaus Johann Grobe, Non La and more…so dive on in.

Last Week’s Jams (1.29 – 2.2)

If you were anywhere near the musical interwebs last week, then you were given a lot of gifts; there was new music from the likes of Six Organs of Admittance, Camera Obscura, Ducks Ltd and more…all of which feature in this rendition of Last Week’s Jams. It was a pretty solid week for the ATX too, with new music from Water Damage, Holy Wire, Broken Gold…plus a Touch Girl Apple Blossom video from their latest EP. Bonus points go to acts like Savak, Cool Sounds and Torrey for adding further joy to my listening rotation. We also mentioned some Bandcamp recommendations for True Green, Flight Mode, TVXP and Fuvk. Kick in below for all the sweet jams we’ve got in one easy listening spot.

Last Week’s Jams (1.22 – 1.26)

Another busy week, and 2024 is just chock-full of really incredible tunes. Some of my favorite acts like Rosie Tucker and Red Pinks and Purples popped up with fresh tunes to warm us over, so that was a bonus. Plus, the site got to hose a bunch of premieres from Jay Alan Kay, Ryann Gonsalves and Al Harper, hopefully turning you on to what we think is cool. Bubbling under are rad tunes from from Non La, True Green and Corridor…actually every tune we ran was kick ass! Plus, ATH Records dropped Vibrations Now from Fantastic Purple Spots, so you win by streaming below to catch the title track.

Last Week’s Jams (1.15 – 1.19)

Last week was a strange one, particularly with the seeming loss of Pitchfork. But, here at ATH, we’re like the tortoise, just going slow and steady, doing our thing til we get to the proverbial finish line. There was tons of music to cover, and I mean tons, so we got to as much as we could, trying to highlight the stuff that wasn’t getting much love. Brand new music from Bolis Pupul came our way, plus Colin Newman reissue news. RayRay loved the new ripper from Gulfer. Personally, I loved the new Friko and Boy with Apple, and got to introduce you to new Fantastic Purple Spots from their EP next week! Sit back and enjoy some tunes.

Last Week’s Jams (1.8 – 1.12)

While it may have only been a four day week in terms of work, we made sure we made the best of it for you, bringing you a slew of hot indie rock bangers. Slumberland had a great week, dropping new music from Umbrellas, and introducing us to Torrey too! We were stoked to share a new video from the BVs as well, flipping their style a bit to tease you with what’s in store going forward. Some Texas love for Infinites and Alien Eyelid was a must, with an added bonus being that our friends in Pale Lights dropped a compilation of rarities and singles on Friday. Stream below and find something to adore.

Last Week’s Jams (12.11 – 12.15)

Unfortunately, this is probably the last of Last Week’s Jams for 2023. Not because I don’t want to write about new tunes, but because, for some reason, folks just stop putting out music and let the world dwindle to a compilation of year-end lists. But, last week we still had tons of tunes to cover, with a whole lot of Austin represented. We revisited Fantastic Purple Spots, plus had brand new stuff from Big Bill, the Infinites and Fading Yellow. Got a bonus with one more Maureens track, which might be my favorite on their latest LP, and a fresh Club 8 hit that came out of nowhere. If you’re just looking for a playlist of new music, why not start here.

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