Last Week’s Jams (6.12 – 6.16)

Summer keeps on rolling right along like the hellfire that is Texas, and the song’s just keep hitting that sweet spot. Had some old acts make a return this past week with Devendra Banhart and Sigur Ros making the cut, but also excited to see old ATH Records act Being Dead with their banging new single. Along the way we had some hits from Night Beats, Dippers, Kindsight and Sonny & the Sunsets…to name but a few of the bands we can’t seem to stop covering on our end. A good little 20 song collection for you to kick off your day here!

Last Week’s Jams (6.5 – 6.9)

When summer hits, there seems to be an infinite amount of music bouncing about these parts, particularly in the Austin scene, as we saw this last week. We had new album announcements from A Giant Dog and Jordan Moser, new singles from Cast of Thousands, Marry Cherry and Genuine Leather; BLK ODYYSY also dropped an album. But, there was still plenty of music outside of Austin we loved, like new stuff from Gaadge, Wombo and Your Heart Breaks. Tons of music to absorb below, so feel free to indulge in all stuff you might have missed.

Last Week’s Jams (5.29 – 6.2)

Felt like we covered a whole lot of territory last week, which was mostly me just working super hard to keep myself occupied over summer vacation. There were so many great songs that I felt people overlooked in the big indie world, such as the new stuff from Wireheads and Big Blood. Or maybe you can go on with the old dependable from Balmorhea, the Clienteleor High Water Marks. Going back through, definitely appreciating stuff like the Sheeps track and the Chopper tune too, so you’ve got plenty to be excited about when you burn through this playlist. Get on it.

Last Week’s Jams (5.15 – 5.19)

It was a busy week to start, then as usual at this time of year, I teetered out with our coverage; I blame the fact that I stayed up late to catch a great set from En Attendant Ana. We covered a lot of territory, bringing in an old school song from Heavenly, but with a new video to celebrate. Austin got some love with another great Feeling Small tune, plus some bonus Being Dead coverage popping up in there. ATH faves Melenas announced a new record, so really, we had an all out awesome week on our end. Feel free to stop in and check out what we had going.

Last Week’s Jams (5.8 – 5.12)

Last week kicked off with a bang; we covered a whole bunch of tunes right off the bat, only to kind of fade towards the end of the week. Still, we managed to get up 20 tunes you should listen to, though the Mope City single isn’t out there yet on streaming services. Some Austin love came our way with Tearjerk and Balmorhea getting solid mentions, while we couldn’t help but to continue our fawning over Night Beats and their latest barrage of bangers. Threw in some new Shelflife releases from Lost Tapes and Youth Valley, and in the end, the new stuff from Shrapnel and Special Friend definitely won awards for my faves of the week. You’ve got an hour of legendary streams below!

Last Week’s Jams (5.1 – 5.5)

Last week started off with a smattering of great tunes, but I’ll admit to wearing out by week’s end…for some reason just felt like there wasn’t a whole lot out there tugging at me! We were really excited to share some great ATX stuff like the latest from Feeling Small and Johanna Heilman…with Alien Eyelid‘s great new single just a few hours away from our home base. Lots of acts we’ve been harping on had new singles, like Daisies, The Soft Walls; we also got a new single from one of our SXSW raves, Lifeguard. Oh, and we’re starting off with the Particles, as we’re over the moon they’re getting some reissue treatment from Chapter Music.

Last Week’s Jams (4.24 – 4.28)

I felt like I let you down last week, having only really covered about 17 new songs, but in that, we tried to make sure there were some burners in there that would get you excited. What better way to start off this week’s recap than bringing you the world’s best power pop outfit, The High Water Marks and their new single. We got a new RVG tune, which is never a bad place to be, plus Beach Fossils continued to show their growth on the new LP. And, it wouldn’t be us if there was no Austin contingent, so we ran an acoustic session from Redbud, plus the latest from Dress Warm. Take a listen.

Last Week’s Jams (4.17 – 4.20)

If there is one song I want you to listen to it has to be the absolute smash hit from Maine’s Big Blood; I think I’ve listened to that track 1000 times since I’ve heard it, if not more. Of course, there’s other great tunes to enjoy as well, like that pop ditty from Tough Age, or Rama Lama’s new signing, Echo Ladies. Plus, Austin held its own again with new stuff from Dress Warm and RF Shannon. And, if you’re looking for something with some legs, there’s at least a handful of tunes stretching beyond the 4 minute mark, so indulge as you must.

Last Week’s Jams (4.10 – 4.14)

Looking back at last week, there was tons of really great stuff out there, and admittedly, there are a few things we just didn’t have time to get to on our end. But, stoked for Austin, as there was great new music from Being Dead, Transy Warhol, Holy Wire and new project Feeling Small. My favorite track from the most recent Blues Laywer LP got a video treatment, so I had to have that one out. RayRay covered that huge banger from Night Beats, who will be in town for Psych Fest. And, one of my favorite SXSW acts Snooper announced their new LP too, so you get a bunch of winning hits!

Last Week’s Jams (4.3 – 4.7)

There was a ton of great music dropping last week, which seems to be the norm for this Spring…not that we mind one bit. I tried to give some love to our Austin friends like Jana Horn and Letting Up Despite Great Faults, who both dropped new releases…and new tunes from Batty Jr. and Born Twins too, so keeping the ATX alive. It was good to hear new stuff from Estonia’s Pia Fraus, who’ve always crafted great landscape shoegaze. New stuff from Cindy and Beach Fossils wasn’t a bad way to slide into the week either, but we closed it out with a fun feature between My Favorite and Holy Wire. Check it all out.

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