Pop Rock Tune from Tonne

I love a good jam, but even more when it’s got some Austin lineage, like this Denver band, Tonne. It’s the work of Jay Tonne, who used to play down in our neck of the woods as part of Black Forest Fire. This single comes with the announcement of the Bridey Murphy EP, and while it’s still a very guitar driven sound, there’s a huge focus on the delivery of melody throughout this first listen. It’s got nods to college rock all over it, though approached with the warmth you might find in the likes of Nada Surf. Clearly you can be loud and charming all at once! The EP will drop on March 13th.

Scuzzy Slow Burner from Black Forest Fire

Personally, I’m expecting good things from Austin’s Black Forest Fire after delving into their latest single for a bit.  It’s got that magic slow-burn to it, which at first seems to hold a bit of fuzziness to it, but as the song progresses, the ringing guitar seems to give birth to the songs inherent beauty. Singer Karen comes in carefully, but she’s only around for a short bit, providing just a bit of vocals to the heavy mix.  You can find the song and a slew of others on the band’s recently released Transit of Venus, which was just put out by Sedimental Records.


Download:Black Forest Fire – Live News Feed [MP3]

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