Last Week’s Jams (7.15 – 7.19)

After a rather mellow preceding week, this past one hit hard with some bigs hits for us on our end. We took some time out to reach out to our friend Andy from Chime School, grabbed a quick interview and a vegan chili recipe. Fell in love with a couple of great new pop tunes from the likes of Sassyhiya and Sumos, plus that Casual Technicians wasn’t too shabby either. Repped some album love for Crack Cloud, Manners Manners, Julia Sophie, Immortal Nightbody, Red Jacket and Nightshift too. Plus, good solid Austin contingent getting love with new music from Being Dead, Hallo and Blood (Austin adjacent, right?). Dig in and find a cool tune below.

Last Week’s Jams (6.24 – 6.28)

For some reason, I felt like last week was kind of a slow-burn, but then when putting all the tracks we mentioned together, was stoked to see we had a solid amount for you to enjoy today. Personally, getting to celebrate new music from Feeling Figures and Being Dead feels like the world gets a win. But, there were also some great LP releases from the likes of Laughing and My Best Unbeaten Brother, amongst others. Totally excited to hear news of another endeavor from Mexico’s Mint Field, not to mention we got another sneak peek at what’s coming from the next Bad Moves LP, which of course has us stoked. Stream below!

Brontez Purnell Trio Shares Forgive Me Philip Video

Brontez Purnell has been at it a really long time, whether we’re talking about his solo work, his old Young Lovers stuff or, today, the Brontez Purnell Trio. He’s been on Sub Pop, written several books, and definitely is an artist that should be revered, so let’s crank up this fresh single form his new project with Matty Fasano and Josephine Network. Personally, I loved the snappiness of the tune, instantly infectious as the snare pops along with the sharp cuts from the guitar work. Brontez has a distinct delivery, but the sun shines on the tune once the whole group joins in to sing through the chorus. When the suns out, Brontez is going to bring the fun out…and it’s out in full below.

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