Friday Album Streams: Daily Worker, the Men and More

It’s an interesting Friday of album releases, with some stark contrasts over here at ATH. We’ve got some heavy vibes from the new Men record, right along some contemplative pop from Andy Bell, a bit of pastoral folk from Constant Follower…then some faves like Austin’s Daily Worker mixed up in the middle. Think you’ll find some joy by clicking play on any number of the great records hanging down below.

Daily WorkerField Holler (No Aloha Records)

The MenBuyer Beware (Fuzz Club)

Andy Bell – Pinball Wanderer (Sonic Cathedral)

Constant FollowerThe Smile You Send Out Returns to You (Last Night in Glasgow)


The Men Drop PO Box 96

I’ll admit, as much as we loved Open Your Heart and the early works of the Men, I sometimes need a reminder of how rad their entire catalog is, like when they drop a new ripper right into my lap. This new single is an immediate screamer, kind of barreling down the highway with this bravado and attitude that’s reminiscent of New York Dolls, only amped up with a bit of anger and spite. Maybe they’re angry at me forgetting how fucking rad they can be? I’m not sure, but I do know that Buyer Beware is definitely on my list of anticipated records for this February; it drops on the 28th via Fuzz Club.

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