Hard Copy Announce Debut 12 Shots of Nature

I love when a friend passes you a record or an email and says “Check this out; it’s right up your alley,” and then they’re actually right. This is my first introduction Richmond’s Hard Copy, with an allegiance to taking punk back to a stage when things were just getting figured out. There’s this sort of lop-sided back and forth shuffle as the vocals come into play; it’s building tension and making me nervous as I listen, but also propelling the tune forward. Then, chords ring out and there’s an underbelly of nervousness in the vocal; it gives off a bit of bite, something we’d most recently associate with Protomartyr or Ought…gruff but looking back at melody. Then the track completely breaks down and feels like the band just got caught by their parents, both strange and excited. Look for the group to drop 12 Shots of Nature on October 20th via Feel It Records.

Stream Paperhead’s Chew LP

Talked and hyped up Chew about as much as one man can, but now it’s time for you to take matters into your own hands. The Paperhead have expanded their sound, making some softer tunes that exhibit a strong dedication to the songwriting on this effort. I’m still stuck listening to “Over and Over” on repeat, but, as per usual, I’m happy with anything they’ve got out. You’ll be able to get that record from Trouble in Mind come this Friday.

Another Gem from The Paperhead

While the Paperhead fell early into the psychedelic charms with their early releases, it has become increasingly clear that the band have focused on broadening their sound. Their latest single illustrates such, bringing in a pastoral folk appeal that’s been perfected by so few. You’ll hear a distant guitar sliding, texturing the track…almost making it a wonderful Western ballad you’d want to hear as the sun falls beneath the horizon. This track will show up on the band’s forthcoming LP, Chew, which is being released by the uber-reliable Trouble in Mind Records on February 17th. A broader sound should allow for broader appeal, btu regardless, there’s some brilliant stuff in this album.

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