Cinerama Covers ABBA

If you haven’t been keeping an eye on the continuous production of great singles from WIAIWYA, then hopefully you’ll turn your head with the latest, a split covers 7″ from the Wedding Present and Cinerama; they cover The Clash and ABBA…though is it really a split if David Gedge is behind both? Whatever. The ABBA cover streaming below is fairly gentle, much like the original tune; I always appreciate the prettier, more delicate, side of Gedge, which is how I’ve always come to think about Cinerama. The single comes out the first week of November, and then we’ll be able to talk about what a great job Gedge did with the Clash I expect.

There’s a Brand New Wedding Present Album!!!

weddingpresentOk, so this just completely made my day yesterday, and still carries that euphoria into today. I’ll go out on a limb and say that David Gedge is one of my favorite songwriters, whether in Cinerama, or in this case, The Wedding Present. I think he’s one of the most well-loved, overlooked songwriters around; he’s been doing it longer than most…and still is vital. They’ve just upped this video, which may or may not be part of the important visual aspect Gedge and co. are working into this album (read about that HERE). Regardless, this tune is wonderful, and his voice really sounds incredible. Probably going to play this song a hundred times today…you should too. It’s off the group’s new record, Going, Going, which will be out on September 2.

Cinerama vs the Wedding Present

the-wedding-present-valentinaI wish more people would talk about the Wedding Present.  David Gedge has long been a favorite of mine, and sometimes I feel like he slips under the radar.  But, he’s reviving one of his other projects, Cinerama, to spin the song’s from The Wedding Present’s last album, Valentina, in an entirely different manner.  Part of it is endearing, part of it is hilarious; it sounds like David’s doing his best Tom Jones impression…and it’s a damn good one. Gadgets voice will always have a special place in my heart. Listen below so you can compare and contrast the two versions before we get to hear it all reimagined; should be out this month.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]



Download: The Wedding Present – Back A Bit…Stop [MP3]

Great New Track from The Wedding Present

As a music nerd, I’ll admit that my musical favorites always change. You know, the old Top 5 question, well, I change mine, but one constant that I swear will never go away is The Wedding Present and David Gedge.  His lyrical prowess always fascinates me, and I can’t say enough about his guitar playing.  We’re fortunate enough to offer up a nice stream of a new Wedding Present track from their upcoming album Valentina, which will hit stores in the US on March 20th.  One listen to this track and you’ll probably have to go check out the other 7 albums the band’s put out (not to mention Cinerama). They’ll also be playing SXSW this year, so be on the lookout. Going to be a great year for these guys–hope they bring vinyl.



FTC: The Wedding Present

There’s always been something about listening to The Wedding Present that made my life seem so relevant.  Perhaps it was the way Gedge told his stories, always aligning his first person narratives with my life, or at least seemingly so.  Of course, he also ran those buzzsaw guitars all over the place, furiously creating melodies out of nowhere.  I know I’m not the only fan of this band, as I clearly see their influence on many UK bands coming our way now.  Luckily, Gedge has opted to tour the world playing the band’s classic 1989 album, Bizarro.  You’ll have your chance to catch them next Monday at Emos.  For now, listen to this track, and tell me you don’t hear the group’s influence in every lo-fi guitar heavy track around today!  And, if you are looking for a little bit more pop, check out Gedge’s other outfit Cinerama, which also completely rules.


Download: The Wedding Present – Thanks [MP3]

10/17 The Wedding Present @ Mohawk

Many in Austin seemed to have forgotten about the decades of hard work that David Gedge has put forth for our ears. Since 1984 he has consistently provided us with a plethora of guitar-driven pop music set to ideas of loss and love. Perhaps we consider it cliche now, but Gedge has been at the helm for a long time, and he brought his group The Wedding Present to the Mohawk Friday, October 17th. Follow the jump to read about the show.

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The Wedding Present – El Rey

Rating: ★★★★☆
Long ago David Gedge hung up The Wedding Present moniker in favor of Cinerama. Recently, as in the last three years, we have seen the return of The Wedding Present–with two proper albums added to their already glorious catalog. Honestly, this newest one is the best work I think he’s ever done.

Our first hint at a classic return to form is his usage of Steve Albini-famed sound engineer-the first time they have united together since 1991’s Seamonsters. The reunion brings across a brilliant sound, where the guitars are extremely clean, while also carrying with them fire power. Then you have the pounding drums; the perfect mix of instrumentation to accompany Gedge’s voice.

For me, all the music creates quite a dynamic power. Songs like “The Trouble with Men,” carefully play with the soft/loud dynamic that made bands like Death Cab for Cutie or Pinback your favorite. It’s the album we all have been looking for, but we just didn’t know that it was out there for us. Well, solid rock albums are back in these days-brought to you by David Gedge and The Wedding Present.

Lyrically, he is as clever as he has ever been. Gedge comes across in his lyrics like that endearing older sibling who always has the answers to life that we search for on our own. He wants you to feel his characters and his words–and you listen. Of course, he also manages to keep pop culture references abundant–such as the Seinfeld reference in the brilliant “Soup” or a quick jab with Spiderman. This all serves as a reminder why we all love lyrics like these. For me, he is the poor man’s Bob Pollard.

This album is meant to bring perfection to your sunniest days. It makes you want to drive around town-or walk since that helps keep you in shape-with the guitars blasting out of your stereo as you sing along to every single word, as if they were your words. Ask yourself, isn’t this the sort of record you have been looking for? Here you have it folks, the completely triumphant return of David Gedge and The Wedding Present.

Here we have a new song off the album el rey entitled “The Thing I Like Best About Him is his Girlfriend”

Download: girlfriend.mp3

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