Show Spotlight: X_X and Obnox @ Barracuda (TONIGHT!)

xxxIf you call yourself a fan of punk rock, modern or old school, you either end up at this show over at Barracuda or you’re a fraud. For starters, the night kicks off with local rockers Marriage and Coma in Algiers…no slouch in their own right. But, you get a touch of history with X_X, a band fronted by John D Morton (the electric eels). This guy’s been making real rock n’ roll for so long, it’s hard to ignore. And, the drummer for X_X is one of my favorite rockers Lamont Thomas, who will also be bringing along his band Obnox. You think Ty Segall is prolific? You haven’t heard Lamont.

Tickets are only 10 bucks and the Doors are at 9 PM. Come get your rock on!

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