Show Preview: Slowdive @ ACL Live (5.12)

After returning in late 2023 with Everything Is Alive, it seems like the world’s been abuzz with Slowdive and their return to form. They’ve been touring throughout the US this past month on the back of all that success and praise, and those of us in Austin will finally get a chance to glimpse the quintet live when the roll into Moody Theater on Sunday. It’ll be interesting to see how far back they go…will the set be equal parts Creation Records and Dead Oceans or more weight given to the most recent albums? Either way, you get to enjoy a night with some of the most beautiful noise blowing through the Moody Theater. Opening up evening will be LA’s Drab Majesty. Tickets are somehow still available, so if you’re in love with the sounds below, grab a ticket HERE.

Fresh Music from Jasmine Minks

Those of you who’ve followed the history, not just the hype, of Creation Records will surely find new music from The Jasmine Minks exciting. There’s a classic nod in the songwriting, letting melody slowly float from the microphone as guitars drift upwards and other musical accompaniment fills in the space. But, more important is the fact that the money raised from this new 7″ all goes to Motor Neuron Disease research, which has affected the band personally (guitarist Wattie’s brother suffers from MND). It’s a good cause, and a great song, so order the new 7″ HERE. They’ll also be playing some shows to benefit the cause if you’re over on that side of the pond…check their Facebook.

New Music from Terry Malts

Occasionally you let things slip, forgetting to check in on your favorite labels or sites, but when go back, you always find a gem waiting for you.  Such is the case with this latest single from Slumberland Records by Terry Malts, who love to be hidden behind a dense fog of mystery.  But, luckily, my imaginary best friend over at Finest Kiss hints that the band is a side-project of Magic Bullets, making the “I’m Neurotic” single even closer to my heart.  Apparently the group are aligning themselves with the likes of the Ramones or even the Descendents, but really it’s hard to hear that.  For me, it has a feel of the lighter side of Creation Records, yet another reason for my adoration.  The single is out now, so get ahold of it while you can.


Downlaod: TerryMalts-Distracted [MP3]

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