Maria Kohnke Returns with State of Confusion

Although we’ve been sprinkled with singles here and there, Danish singer Maria Kohnke has put music on the side while she focused on other creative outlets. But, in 2024, we’ve been promised a new EP, with this driving new single set to kick it all off. Pressing play, you won’t be able to deny the rhythmic pulse that’s rushing the song forward, using these various guitar textures to create this darkened pop that could easily accompany your favorite chase scene. Personally, the shuffling drum work beneath the groove is where I’m at; listen closely and you’ll be able to catch the tiny little machine gun hits that operate outside the main beat. All of this is a dense landscape to lurk in the shadows with this softened vocal you’ll be naturally drawn towards.

Kindsight Share Acid Island 45

I’ve been an avid fan of Danish outfit Kindsight since their early days, and while I’ve admired their previous work, this new single might be the proverbial icing on the cake. It feels like the most direct and pop oriented tune they’ve crafted, rushing forward with these driving rhythms and swirling bits of guitar billowing through your speakers. Don’t ignore the sweetness of the vocals here, adding in that melodic sugar that your body needs to ensure that you survive. This quick pop ditty is the opening track to the group’s brand new LP, No Shame No Fame, which will hit on April 19th via Rama Lama Records.

Kindsight Share Tomorrow Video

Danish outfight Kindsight have happily been dropping brilliant pop songs for the last several years, and it looks as if they’re set to return with an absolute stunner of a new record. A few singles have trickled out with the lead up to No Shame No Fame, but nothing quite blows you away nearly as much as this ridiculously powerful pop number below. I’d even go so far as to say that this might top anything from the indiepop realm this year; I love how even when they spin about with these sparkling melodies that they’re doing it with a bit of bombast, sort of channeling the best pop rock of the 90s. Cinematic and yet intimate; look for No Shame No Fame on April 19th via Rama Lama Records.

Big Mess Share Walk All Over Me

Out there, somewhere in the rock n’ roll landscape is a musical experience somewhere between Jay Reatard and the Exploding Hearts; I think that place is where Big Mess gathered all their energy for this new single. The track has the tenacity and pulse of something Jay might have done, but it’s fully embracing the anthemic bits of pop-punk enthusiasts. It’s a rush of energy, running on the backs of furiously pounding drums, and they run you right through to the hook of “you could walk all over me.” Feels like this would be a great song for a sing-along with your best mates; you’ll find this tune on the group’s new Cleaning Up With LP, out on November 17th.

Shiny Darkly Share New Single

I’ve really been into the work of Shiny Darkly this morning. They offer up something that kind of seems like it’s post-punk-adjacent. You can hear the construction playing in those sort of industrial spaces, using those cold, angular guitar riffs to knife through it all. Still, they use a lot of the negative space to allow things to move and digress in a different fashion, letting the vocals creep along in the background, almost encircling those fiery riffs running up front. There’s just something cavernous in their construction that has me blindly wondering deep into that tunnel, completely immersed in their sound. You’ll get this track on their II EP, out November 24th.

Big Mess Share Fresh Single, Announce New LP

Been a struggle to get my feet out from underneath me this week, so felt like the best way to kick things off was to drop in this jam from Denmark’s Big Mess. They’re a no-bullshit rock outfit of the punk vein, running away with a pounding rhythm section while the rest of the band tries to play catch up. Those riffs speed through, and the growl of the vocals has hints of nostalgic leanings, though I love how it holds onto this anthemic quality, even when it feels like its barreling down the train tracks. You’ll find this tune and others on the groups new LP, Cleaning Up With, out November 17th.

Kindsight Share Tibet Singles

Kindsight combine elements of nostalgic indiepop sounds with the fuzziness of the current climate that’s overtaken Scandinavia, and the greater world. But, following the success of their Swedish Punk LP, the band have slowly been expanding their sound with a batch of new singles. I was immediately enamored by the back and forth between the vocal parts of this song, toying with the listeners willingness to indulge in the band’s joyous nature. Still, there are two punch elements that course through this song, dropping in elements of noise and a more furious indiepop sound that adds that grit, illustrating just how far the band are willing to go. This song brought to us courtesy of Rama Lama Records.

Statisk Stoj Shares New Single

Listening through to this single from Statisk Stoj, it’s interesting that he attributes the influence of this song to his love of Low, as the song very much has that sort of early vibe, where it was all about textural building. This tune feels stationary, riding on this sort of trudging beat, but the layers that creep in and out, add the depth you’re seeking, with guitars shooting off here and backing vocals building a melodic foundation. It’s one of those listening experiences that begs you to really immerse yourself, let go of the world around you, coming out with sort of a sonic cleansing. Enjoy.

ATH Interview: Free Range

As we closed out the year and wrapped coverage in December, one artist hit me with several memorable songs and left a lasting impression going into 2023. Chicago based Sofia Jensen, and her recording project Free Range, really struck a chord with me and will likely be a top new artist to push in the coming year. After three incredible singles to serve as an introduction to the project, Sofia is releasing a full, debut LP this week entitled Practice and I am here to push this gem of a record however I can. I was fortunate enough to send along a few questions to Free Range and I’m pumped to share this intimate look into Sofia’s process and musical tastes. Full interview with some song links and LP streaming/buying options after the jump.

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Lust for Youth Drop New Single

I don’t DJ often, but when I do, it’s always got a Lust for Youth jam in there. The Danish outfit provide this heavy electronica, pulsing and dark, just like their newest single dancing down below. It’s their first work since their self titled LP from 2019, and they’ve trimmed the project down to just two members. But, just because their slimming down, doesn’t mean this song’s not heavy on the hooks, which is their pop specialty. I can just picture myself dancing in my won two-foot circle, air punching as glitter falls from the ceiling and this jams thumps through the speakers. Hopefully this signals more great new hits on the horizon.

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