The Spook School Prep Album

spook-schoolIt’s been a bit since I’ve heard from the Spook School, but by the sounds of their new single, it looks like the group is ready to come back with a vengeance. Their last album, Dress Up (2013) was phenomenal; it was upbeat indiepop. You get the hooks and charm, but it’s played with a heavier hand.  Think of acts like Speedy Ortiz or Joanna Gruesome, but with a more charmed approach, making them slightly more appealing to those with softer spots in their listening hearts. They’ll be releasing Try to Be Hopeful this October via Fortuna Pop, with a promise to take on subject matters dealing with “sexuality and being awesome.” You can also check out this really great video of the band discussing issues of transgender with LJG HERE (it’s pretty great).

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More Tunes from School of Language

davidIt’s interesting to hear the musical progression of School of Language since David Brewis first stepped out from behind Field Music so many years ago.  What seemed like a B-Side Project has evolved into something that has a soul all its own, while still harnessing the sound Brewis has come to embody.  There’s still elements of that jagged guitar playing, yet you’ll likely find a lighter feel to it all, providing an almost rhythmic dance propulsion.  His new album, Old Fears, will be out on April 8th via Memphis Industries.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Jagged Indiepop from The Spook School

FPOP156LPA bit back in time I came upon The Spook School, an Edinburgh act that had released a 7″ with Cloudberry Records.  It seems the group are on their way up, having signed with Fortuna Pop to release their latest LP, Dress Up.  On this single, bassist Anna Cory is rocking things out vocally, with the group’s sharp guitar work inserting both twee and noisier pop elements into your veins.  I like the fact that the band is working on hitting the main strokes of modern indiepop, but with a slightly heavier edge.  This is definitely a band you’ll want to keep an eye on, as songs this good are bound to make waves overseas.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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