Stream Love Sport’s Dull Tracks

With a title like Dull Tracks, you’d be forgiven if your expectations were low for the new album from Love Sports. But, it’s best if you just set aside some time to really listen to the record you’re going to be rewarded. For the opening three tracks, you’ll find that each offers slightly different approached to the band’s style; it moves from modern slacker pop to indie rock to more of a crafted ballad. The great thing about such an approach is that you’re never bored, and you’ll surely find a different track to love with repeated listens. Right now I’m stuck on “The Boy Could Not Dream,” but that changes by the hour. Give it a stream and find out your favorite before the album comes out next week on Soliti.

New Video from Love Sport

I’ve talked about Finnish act Love Sport several times before, and we’re back today to bring you this brand new video from the band, featuring a “boy who could not dream.” This track has a hook-laden guitar that rings through your speakers, while you watch the journey of the stuffed pig traipsing through nightlife in Helsinki. I always enjoy the balance between the bands discordant notes and their warm pop underbelly, with a special change in tone around the 2.40 mark. Their debut album Dull Tracks will be released by Soliti Music on April 13th worldwide.

New Tunes from Love Sport

lovesportI feel like you deserve this Love Sport track today, that’s if you dig great guitar jams. I can hear the slightest hint of Guided by Voices in some of the vocal notes, though they bring in a bit more angst during the chorus. Still, the emotional bounce in the verses actually has a rather uplifting affect…it hits hard with just enough melody to make the world a brighter place. Indulge yourself in a band that aims to bring you Dull Tracks (they’re anything but) once the new year breaks via Soliti. It’s a steady dosage of feel good throughout, so why wait, indulge yourself now.

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New Video/Single from Love Sport

Love Sport have graced our pages a few times before, and they’re back again today with a brand new video for you from their forthcoming record, Dull Tracks. The video is a shot in a home-video format, telling the story of a cursed guitar that just won’t quit until it’s burned into ashes. For the song, you’ll find the band bending chords, throwing down semi-psychedelic guitar licks and working with some distinctive vocal tones. I can see people making comparisons to Mac D or that horrifically named genre, slacker-pop. Regardless, I’m digging it. Look for the LP from Soliti later on this year!

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