Mmmmmm, an L would really hit the spot right now. Throw in a half eaten pickle and a can of… something, now that’s some good eatin!
This is fine.
Mmmmmm, an L would really hit the spot right now. Throw in a half eaten pickle and a can of… something, now that’s some good eatin!
It’s not easy writing comics. Sometimes I stare at a blank sheet of paper for hours with nothing to show for it. However, every now and then the comic gods smile down upon me and a strip practically writes itself. Chris Cornell teaming up with Timbaland is one of those moments.
At least Logan’s has those liter beers, which are really quite cool. Beyond that it’s arguably the cheesiest place on 6th street other than Treasure Island. For some reason I still find myself there from time to time…
I like xkcd as much as the next guy, but all the wannabe programming comics are starting to get annoying. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that I know nothing about programming myself, but annoying none the less.
Once again Mitch puts things in perspective and decides that music is important, but not that important. Can’t blame Steve for trying though.
So today we have the inevitable confrontation between Mitch and Stacy. Lets face it, if you have Nickelback on your most played list you have some serious issues.
If you know someone who listens to these or other equally horrible bands it’s important that you get them the help they so desperately need. Once they admit they have a problem, then and only then can the healing begin.
There’s nothing like getting some action to help you straighten out your priorities, namely by making you ignore anything and everything else completely.