A Year End List from Joe Smyth of Nine Mile Records and Touring

Joe Smyth help us keep our Austin theme today, as he’s one of the folks helping get Austin acts (and others) out on the road. But, more importantly, he’s a scavenger of music news, so he’s given us a couple of great lists…one a shout out to the blogs that turned him onto great music…and the other just a general best of list. Peruse as you must, and if you have touring needs…check out Nine Mile Touring.

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ACL 2019: Sunday In Pictures

The humidity returned. Record high temperatures were recorded. There was nowhere to hide. It was hot. I guess we have to move the fest back another month?

Day three was pretty chill for me. Plenty of fun shooting to do, though. Going into the fest, Sunday was all about Idles. Instead, I experienced several gems hiding around that powerhouse performance. From mellow to nostalgic to charming, Sunday’s photos include Otis The Destroyer, Thomas Csorba, Faye Webster, Idles, Banks, Third Eye Blind, Kacey Musgraves and a shot of the biggest crowd ever for side stage performance. No, I did not shoot Lizzo as after I checked out TEB and Kacey, the crowd waiting for Lizzo was so huge that making it through before the pit closed was not looking possible without a jet pack. It was crazy.

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