Bibi Club Share Sholsho Video

I’ve been completely obsessed with the new music coming from Montreal’s Bibi Club; it’s clearly rooted in electronics, but there’s something in it that sort of rides above the mundane trappings of working with beats and such. There’s this natural pulse to their work, something that feels animalistic in its essence, yet they manage to kind of take the pain of that existence and lift it into something charming and pleasurable. Something in this new tune hints at the landscape left by the absence of Broadcast, particularly when you hear those snapping snares and distorted guitar lines that get buried low in the mix. Their album Feu de Garde drops this Friday!

Bibi Club Share Parc de Beauvoir Single

There’s something incredibly freeing about listening to the latest from Bibi Club; the song employs some of the signature moves of modern indie rock, though in that, they seem to escape some of the trappings of mimicry. Personally, I love the simplicity of the guitar line, playing with a really light jingle that bobs and weaves, occasionally taking on a little mid-track excursion. Still, that simplicity sets up Adele Trottier-Rivard’s vocals, allowing her to snake between each chord and snapping drum beat. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m really enjoying every little bit that’s sneaking out from their new record Feu de garde, out May 10th via Secret City Records.

Bop Along to New Bibi Club

I really can’g get enough of this new track from Bibi Club; I was instantly hooked with the pulsing beat work that sets the tune at the start. From there, however, the song opens up into this rocking bit of guitar pop, while the undercurrent continues to provide energy throughout the middle. I can already hear folks making comparisons to other Francophile acts that use electronics, but for me, this is different; it feels more rocking and lighter in a sense, like it’s trying to free itself from the confines of that style a bit. Plus, that hook is just too damned good to walk away from. Feu de Garde will drop via Secret City Records on May 10th.

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