Stream New Silver Girl’s Self-Titled LP

We’ve shared a couple of tunes off this New Silver Girl LP, but now we can share the whole release in its entirety. The album kicks off with heavy, hook-laden riffs, though they’re spun in this atmospheric manner that allows the band to pull in some pop sensibility; it doesn’t hurt on some of the more exploratory tracks like “Phantom Ride.” Of course, a great LP never works if you’re not willing to differentiate, so you get softer numbers like “Tennessee” and “Alms,” or groovier rockers like “Starlight City.” It’s an album that’s all over the map, but in the best of ways, turning and exploring within the confines of these ten tracks; it sounds like a best of rock n’ roll soundtrack. You can get your hands on the self-titled LP from Soliti this Friday.

New Silver Girl Shares Starlight City

Finnish outfit New Silver Girl have a new album on the horizon for October, and today we’re happy to share with you the latest single. This tune has a bit of a glam glitz to it, and not just because of the video attire; it also has this slight vocal hiccup that recalls some of Bowie’s best vocal inflections. But, there’s something polished and glossy about the tune, perhaps due to producer Gordon Raphael, who also worked with the Strokes and Hinds. He knows his way around taking the gritty details and turning them into rock n’ roll gems; this is another such occasion. Look for the album to drop in late October via Finland’s best, Soliti Music.

Lighthearted Ditty from Matti Jasu

We always get plenty of good tunes from Finland, and this new Matti Jasu track is no different, though musically, it might seem like it has a bit of lineage with many of the modern acts in Australia. At times, there’s sort of a space-rock a la Bowie vibe, yet other times Jasu pulls back into a casual pop styling…infiltrating the structures with electronic samples and space antics. Ultimately, the track is built on pop tropes, guaranteeing that we’re all bound to find some enjoyment by listening; look for a full length LP later this year from Matti.

Steam Kari from Puunhalaaja

A few tunes from Finland’s Puunhalaaja have appeared on our pages previously, but now we’re bringing you the stream of the group’s new LP, Kari. Now, for listeners in the States, the foreign tongue might be a barrier, but please give yourself a few minutes, even just the first tune. That first track starts off subtley, careful guitar strums and a nice soft vocal. Then there’s a sudden bright burst of guitar pop, albeit for a short instant before returning. It’s the classic quietloudquiet formula that many indie rock fans find vital, and it’s employed consistently throughout the whole of Kari. The band even give in to their rocking desires with the album’s title track a quick jaunt through noisy pop. Go on, adventure off with this wondrous record, and if you’re inclined, pick it up from the band’s label, Soliti…available today!

Stream Opium from Cats of Transnistria

Cats of Transnistria have graced the ATH pages several times in the past few months, as we anxiously awaited the release of the group’s new effort, Opium. Luckily, we’re fortunate enough to share the stream of the album before it’s release this Friday via Soliti Music. But, one must be forewarned, as you’re likely to find yourself lost in the folds of this wondrous creation. The group has always had this haunting depth…a sort of out-of-body craftsmanship that seductively brings you under its spell; you’ll want to fully immerse yourself in this listen. Take a track like “Trees,” which is a 7 minute opus; the band exhibit a great deal of patience, barely making a sound before the 3 minute mark. They’re stretching the boundaries of pop music, carefully plotting each note and change of tone…aided on this effort by the presence of violinist Sanna Komi. While I find the entirety of the record stunning, I’ve found “Feeding” to be my favorite; the discordant opening crested perfectly into an angelic vocal appearance from Henna Emilia. Lose yourself in this listen, and look for the album on Friday.

Lots To Like About This Black Lizard Single

Finnish rock band Black Lizard has long been a staple here on the pages of Austin Town Hall. It’s certainly easy to post about the group when they deliver singles like this one called “Window in Time”. The track has this great, late 60’s/early 70’s psych rock vibe complete with some impressive buildups and breakdowns in the chorus. It’s a pretty easy song to get into really. I suggest you check it out now.

Black Lizard will release new album Celebration of a New Dawn on February 23rd via Fuzz Club Records.

Captivating Number from Lau Nau

While browsing the webs I came across this delightful tune from Finnish songstress Lau Nau; it’s the latest single from her forthcoming Poseidon. It’s a quiet number, filled to the brim with layers of ornate orchestration. You’ll be mesmerized by the very careful rise and fall in volume as singer Laura Naukkarinen drapes lyrics over the ever-changing landscape of the track. Strings swell in line with the piano, all building along with the vocals, gradually awaiting the listener’s emotional release as the song fades to black. Her new record will drop on November 17th via Beacon Sound.

Manalishies Sign with Soliti

Another week, another deserving band signs with Finland’s Soliti Music. Manalishies are the latest act to join the stable, and their sound seems to imply they’ll be bringing something new to the label. This track slowly opens with a brooding bit, like a dark psychedelic wave that the band is just waiting to unleash. However, they never fully jump off that cliff, instead pulling back to allow for a somewhat steady release of vocals; it gives off the affect of early BRMC (if anyone remembers them), bringing in a combination of subtle noise and a classic rock n’ roll vibe. The band’s in the studio wrapping up their debut EP, and I’m definitely interested to see where this is going.

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Check This Premiere of New Verandan

Finnish label Soliti has quite a remarkable stable, and this year they signed what I think is an artists capable of breaking across the globe: Verandan. With one incredible single under their belt, the band bring you this brand new single (released digitally on the 14th) to enjoy. It reminds me of the best of the pop world, combing chamber elements with delicate touches of atmospherics…all the while keeping a nice bit of energy in the track. Just imagine the playful bounce of Belle and Sebastian mingling with the more introspective world of the Clientele. The group even throws in some joyous “ooh oohs” near the end, so be sure to stay ’til then.

Stream Let Go by Delay Trees

We’ve featured new music from Delay Trees for a few months now, but its time to fill in all the gaps by allowing you to venture off into blissful listen with a stream of Let Go in its entirety. But, stop now if you don’t love listening to really great pop music. There’s tons of touchstones on the album, from modern expansive pop tropes to the intimacy of joyfully solemn bedroom pop. Through it all, Let Go feels like the great Brit pop record that never got made; it’s the sort that walks the fine line between artistry and accessibility, filled with warm tones and melodies made to feel personal. Look for the new album as it drops this Friday via Soliti Music.

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