Last Week’s Jams (7.15 – 7.19)

After a rather mellow preceding week, this past one hit hard with some bigs hits for us on our end. We took some time out to reach out to our friend Andy from Chime School, grabbed a quick interview and a vegan chili recipe. Fell in love with a couple of great new pop tunes from the likes of Sassyhiya and Sumos, plus that Casual Technicians wasn’t too shabby either. Repped some album love for Crack Cloud, Manners Manners, Julia Sophie, Immortal Nightbody, Red Jacket and Nightshift too. Plus, good solid Austin contingent getting love with new music from Being Dead, Hallo and Blood (Austin adjacent, right?). Dig in and find a cool tune below.

Friends of Our Youth Share Problem Is Single

This Manchester outfit is rolling back the years, hitting a brand of pop rock that maybe recalls the indie scene of the late 00s. That said, Friends of Our Youth are pulling off the style with bravado and sincerity that made this the perfect tune to crank up early in the morning, particularly as the sun’s peeking out for the first time in a few days. I hear elements of acts that we love, like Mystery Jets, taking sort of a garage rock sound and softening it up a bit to deliver the hooks; I mean, the way the chorus shuffles then unloads melody is absolutely splendid. Perfect way to kick off a Wednesday.

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