Last Week’s Jams (11.13 – 11.17)

Honestly, not sure what all we’re going to cover this week, as it seems like all the folks have given up hyping new music and records; I reckon its time for those year end lists to really make it out there! But, we did manage to cover a good amount of rock n’ roll last week, so let us hip you to what rips! Personally, I keep spinning the Finnoguns Wake track, which is the new project from Shogun of Royal Headache. That said, there was definitely some cool new stuff dropping from the likes of Flight Mode, Kissing Party and Friko, all of which made our typical coverage. Threw up some Say Sue Me and Rosie Tucker tunes, as a reminder that they’ve been out on the road and I managed to squeeze in both on Thursday of last week! Let it rip!

Friday Album Streams: Wurld Series, Frog, Deary

It’s that weird time of the year when everyone pretends that they stop writing music for a few months so we can browse the list of Best New Artists, or whatever. We do it too, though I’ll probably keep writing about songs if folks keep sending them to me. But, before the year “wraps up” and stuff, here’s a few more new records to listen to today that you’ll hopefully enjoy! Note: I included a few from last week, because last week I ran an Austin-centric streams post, so booyah!

Wurld SeriesThe Giant’s Lawn (Meritorio Records/Melted Ice Cream)

DearyDeary EP (Sonic Cathederal)

FrogGrog (Audio Antihero)

Steven AdamsDrops (Fika Recordings)

The Native CatsThe Way On is the Way Off (Chapter Music)

Last Week’s Jams (10.30 – 11.2)

Last week was a bit of struggle. Had a bit of the post-Levitation exhaustion, plus that whole Halloween thing with my little kids. So, maybe not as on top of it as we usually are, though we filled in the latter bit of the week with some jams. We got to post incredible indiepop from the likes of The Laughing Chimes and Postal Blue, with an added bonus Rock n’ Recipe piece from Lightheaded. Good to see the announcement of Austin’s Wet Dip‘s forthcoming LP, so we made sure that was included in our coverage. Plus, since last week was Bandcamp Friday, we had tons of recommendations such as the Smashing Times, Erik Nervous, and more…just because it’s not a Friday doesn’t mean you can’t buy an LP!

Frog Share Maybelline, Prep Grog

For the last several years, Frog have been quiet, but it looks like the band have been toiling away working up some great new material, like “Maybelline.” To me, the band has this (probably unintentional) connection to the Glands. Both bands had this Southern gothic Americana bleeding through, both in sound and spirit, but they also have a penchant for flipping that over and making it come across with exuberance, just as it does here. The chorus is snappy and sharp, difficult to keep from crawling under your skin. I love the way the piano toils away underneath the song throughout; this song’s really something, so grab Grog before it drops via Audio Antihero on November 17th.

Track Premiere: New Single from Frog

froggyHave you spent any of your time listening to Frog? No? Then prepare yourself for something quite special, something you’ll rush to share with your friends, hoping to be the coolest kid on the block.  This new single from their upcoming album, Kind of Blah, is a number that builds layer upon layer, working first with vocals, then adding and adding until listeners are carried away by the power of song.  This is one of those tunes that erases the world around you, leaving you to find yourself at one with the song before you.  Look for the band’s album to hit on May 25th via Audio Antihero.

Wonky Pop From Frog

frog Frog are an NY duo, and this song is weird as hell, so naturally I love it. “Judy Garland,” the track below, combines just about every genre you could imagine in one whirlwind song. It begins with rambling banjo and hillbilly folksy vocals, then somehow winds its way up to a synth-pop jam? Who knows how, but it’s purely magical. If you like this track, good news for you is that Frog is coming out with an LP, King of Blah which you can preorder here. Get to jammin’.

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