Another Tune from Maff

Chile’s Maff have already given us one spectacular single, and they’re back with a new tune…this time in English. Once you listen, you’ll clearly hear the distinctive sound of shoegaze, though I’m particularly fond of the presentation here. The verses are soft, predominantly percussion and reverb vocals. It’s the space in between verses where the pedals jump in with walls of distorted guitars cascading down through your speakers. Perhaps the strength of the group is the restraint, as they craft their noise around a central melody, never jumping too far into the noisiness that accompanies the work of many a peer. The band will release their Melanina EP, and let’s hope that sets the tone for a future LP, as I can’t get enough of this.

The Rightovers Making My Day

rightoversI always keep an eye on the labels I love, so I was really happy when Jigsaw Records tossed up this track from The Rightovers, a Hawaiian act who’ve just released their debut LP, Blue Blood.  It’s interesting, as the music is not quite indiepop, yet not far off; at the same time, it’s not classic alternative college rock, and yet it is.  Ultimately, it makes for a rewarding sound that you’ll circle back to time and time again, hopefully enjoying what you’re listening to, rather than try to decipher the musical nonsense I lay before you.  Want a good tune? This one works.

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