Teenage Tom Petties Drop New Single

When Teenage Tom Petties dropped their debut LP it was filled with scuzzy riffs and all sorts of noise that made it a lo-fi masterpiece for Tom Brown. But, on Hotbox Daydreams, the hooks still came to chill, but there’s a whole lot more polish on these songs, as you’ll hear with “Bad Hire.” It might just be the production, but this feels like a record that has huge crossover potential, a la The Rentals. It’s definitely indie, particularly the way the backing vocals are employed in some of the verses, not to mention the fuzz swirling around. Still, I can’t help but hear the punch shining in every instant, destined to be sung along by everyone’s favorite little brother. Hotbox Daydreams is out November 3rd via Safe Suburban Home.

Teenage Tom Petties Share Stoner; Announce Hotbox Daydream

There’ve been lots of little breadcrumbs in the past few weeks leading to today’s announcement that there’s a fresh Teenage Tom Petties LP headed our way in November. Originally an outlet for Tom Brown of Rural France, the first record set the scene for fast-paced slacker rock, the sort that ripped through the speakers of your freshman dorm room. Now a full band, they’ve returned with that same ferocity, perhaps with a touch more sheen on the vocals and recording. Don’t get me wrong, the heavy-handed riffs are there, but this opening single from their new LP offers a lot more melody to listeners on its initial runs; the chorus has this calmed cool to it while you can hear the rhythm single waiting to break free from its leash and bound through the room. Hotbox Daydreams will be out on November 3rd via Safe Suburban Home/Repeating Cloud.

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